Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mempelajari karakteristik dan variabilitas angin yang membangkitkan gelombang laut di perairan selat Karimata dan laut Jawa. Data yang digunakan adalah arah dan kecepatan angin ketinggian 10 meter pengamatan tiap 6 jam tahun 2005 - 2010. Berdasarkan hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa arah dan kecepatan angin dominan saat musim barat di selat Karimata dari baratlaut - utara, kecepatan angin antara 5 - 10 knots, puncak gelombang tertinggi antara 4 - 5 meter. Sedangkan di laut Jawa, angin dominan dari barat - baratlaut, kecepatan berkisar antara 10 - 15 knots dengan puncak gelombang tertinggi mencapai 3,5 - 4 meter, puncak tertinggi terjadi di bulan Desember - Januari dan terendah bulan April. Saat musim angin timur di selat Karimata, angin dominan dari tenggara - selatan, di laut Jawa dominan dari timur - tenggara, kecepatan angin di kedua wilayah ini antara 10 - 15 knots. Puncak gelombang tinggi di musim ini terjadi bulan Juli - Agustus dengan gelombang tertinggi mencapai 2,5 - 3 meter dan puncak terendah terjadi bulan Nopember. Frekuensi tinggi gelombang 2 meter 20 - 30% di laut Jawa bagian timur dan selat Karimata bagian utara terjadi bulan Januari.
This study was conducted to study the characteristics and variability of wind generating waves in the ocean waters of the Karimata strait and Java sea. The data utilized here are the 10 meters direction and wind speed observation height in every 6 hours in 2005 to 2010. The analysis results indicate that the dominant wind direction and speed during the wind west season in the Karimata strait is from northwest - north, with the wind speed ranged between 50 - 10 knots, the highest peak of the wave is between 4 - 5 meters. While in Java Sea, the dominant winds is from the west - northwest, with the velocity ranged between 10 - 15 knots and the highest wave peaks reaching 3.5 to 4 meters, the highest peak occurred on December-January and the lowest was on April. As the east wind season in the east Karimata strait, the dominant winds is from the southeast - south, in the Java Sea the dominant winds is from east - southeast, the wind speed in the second region between 10 - 15 knots. The wave height peak of the season occurs in July - August with the highest wave reached 2.5 - 3 meters and the lowest peak occurred in November. High-frequency waves 2 meters 20 - 30% in eastern Java Sea and the northern part of the Karimata strait occurred in January.