ABSTRAKPenelitian ini menggambarkan tentang efektivitas kerjasama yang dibentuk oleh
Indonesia, Malaysia dan Singapura di dalam pengamanan selat Malaka setelah
terjadinya peristiwa 11 September 2001 hingga tahun 2010 yang telah mengubah
ancaman dan tantangan keamanan di kawasan ini. Penelitian ini merupakan
penelitian yang bersifat kuantitatif dengan data sekunder. Hasil penelitian
menyimpulkan bahwa efektivitas kerjasama yang dibentuk oleh littoral states
dalam pengamanan selat Malaka ini sangat di pengaruhi oleh banyak alasan
sehingga bentuk bentuk kerjasama di Asia tenggara antara littoral states terbatas
bahkan hingga pasca peristiwa 11 September 2001. Secara historis perompakan
dan terorisme maritim memang bukan merupakan masalah yang dianggap
penting. Akibatnya ada keengganan untuk bekerjasama pada isu tersebut. Adanya
peristiwa 11 September 2001 dan beberapa kejadian lain yang berhubungan
dengan terorisme akhirnya membuat littoral states mengubah persepsinya pada
berbagai masalah yang sebelumnya diyakini bukan sebagai ancaman pada masa
lalu. sehingga sangat penting untuk menginterpretasikan kerjasama keamanan
maritim secara lebih luas sehingga diharapkan dapat menjawab tantangan dan
dinamisme perkembangan maritim dalam batas teritorial setiap negara
AbstractThis study illustrates the effectiveness of cooperation established by Indonesia,
Malaysia and Singapore in the Malacca Strait security after the event of 11
September 2001 that have changed the threats and security challenge in the
region. This research is a quantitative study with secondary data. Study concluded
that the effectiveness of cooperation established by littoral states in securing the
Malacca strait is influenced by many reasons, so the form of cooperation in
Southeast Asia between the littoral states is limited even after the events of
11 September 2001. Historically piracy and maritime terrorism is not
an issue that is important. As a result there is a reluctance to cooperate on the
issue. The existence of the event of 11 September 2001
and some other events related to terrorism ultimately make littoral states to
change their perception on various issues that were previously believed to be not
as a threat in the past. So it is important to interpret maritime security
cooperation more broadly so that is expected to meet the challenges and
dynamism in the development of maritime territorial limits of each country.
AbstractThis study illustrates the effectiveness of cooperation established by Indonesia,
Malaysia and Singapore in the Malacca Strait security after the event of 11
September 2001 that have changed the threats and security challenge in the
region. This research is a quantitative study with secondary data. Study concluded
that the effectiveness of cooperation established by littoral states in securing the
Malacca strait is influenced by many reasons, so the form of cooperation in
Southeast Asia between the littoral states is limited even after the events of
11 September 2001. Historically piracy and maritime terrorism is not
an issue that is important. As a result there is a reluctance to cooperate on the
issue. The existence of the event of 11 September 2001
and some other events related to terrorism ultimately make littoral states to
change their perception on various issues that were previously believed to be not
as a threat in the past. So it is important to interpret maritime security
cooperation more broadly so that is expected to meet the challenges and
dynamism in the development of maritime territorial limits of each country.