The study attempted to identify important ejects of
demographic characteristics on infant and child mortality. The data
for the study was collected in 2004 under the project of the UNFPA
entitled "Strengthening the Department of Population Science and
Human Resource Development" of Rajshahi University,
Bangladesh. Application of logistic regression model suggests that
demographic factors are associated with the chance of cliild
survival. Breastfeeding and immunization practice of children has
highly significant effects on infant and child mortality among all the
included demographic variables. The results show that the risk of
infant and child mortality was higher for children whose mother
never breastfed than for children who were breastfed. The analysis
results also show that the children who got full immunizations had
lower risks of infant and child mortality than those who were not
immunized at all. Similarly, risk of infant and child mortality
gradually declined as both mother ?s age at marriage and mother 's
age at birth increased