Tesis ini membahas penerapan prinsip smart power di dalam strategi militer AS terhadap al-Qaeda, kelompok afiliasi, dan pendukungnya di Afghanistan dan Pakistan, periode 2009-2012. Analisis dalam tesis ini menggunakan dasar pemikiran konsep strategi dan prinsip smart power. Kajian literatur dalam penelitian ini menemukan sejumlah faktor-faktor di dalam perumusan kebijakan keamanan nasional yang mempengaruhi perubahan strategi militer AS terhadap al-Qaeda.
This thesis explains on the application of smart power principles on the US Military Strategy against al-Qaeda, its affiliates, and adherents, in Afghanistan and Pakistan, period 2009-212. The analysis applied, is based on the strategy and smart power concept. The literature review exposes several factors in the security decision making process which results into the development of the US? Military Strategy towards al-Qaeda.