Novel merupakan bagian dari karya sastra yang bisa menjadi sarana komunikasi dalam menyampaikan ideologi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui konstruksi pemberontakan perempuan dalam novel trilogi Rara Mendut, Genduk Duku, dan Lusi Lindri karya YB. Mangunwijaya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah analisis wacana kritis model Norman Fairclough dengan menganalisis tiga level, yaitu level mikro (analisis teks), level discourse, dan level sociocultural. Kerangka pemikiran yang digunakan dalam menganalisis makna teks feminisme adalah cultural studies dan feminisme eksistensialis dari Simone de Beauvouir.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan novel masih mengukuhkan ideologi patriarki. Untuk menjadi setara dengan laki-laki, perempuan harus melakukan peran ganda, yaitu pada wilayah domestik dan wilayah publik. Kisah dalam novel ini memiliki keterkaitan dengan posisi dan peran perempuan di era 1980-an dimana perempuan memiliki peran ganda yang dicantumkan dalam Panca Tugas Wanita (PTW). Peran ganda perempuan masih berlangsung hingga era 2000-an.
The novel is part of a literary work that could be a means of communication in conveying ideology. This study aims to determine the representation of women rebellion in the novel trilogy Mendut Rara, Genduk Duku, and Lusi Lindri by YB. Mangunwijaya. The method used is a model of critical discourse analysis of Norman Fairclough by analyzing three levels, the micro level (text analysis), discourse level, and sociocultural level. Framework used in analyzing the meaning of texts is feminism and feminist cultural studies of existentialist Simone de Beauvouir.The results showed the novelist was established patriarchal ideology. To be equal with men, women must perform the dual role of the domestic sphere and public sphere. The story in this novel are relevant to the position and role of women in the era of the 1980s, where women have multiple roles that are listed in Panca Tugas Wanita (PTW). Dual role of women has continued until the era of the 2000s.;The novel is part of a literary work that could be a means of communication inconveying ideology. This study aims to determine the representation of womenrebellion in the novel trilogy Mendut Rara, Genduk Duku, and Lusi Lindri by YB.Mangunwijaya. The method used is a model of critical discourse analysis ofNorman Fairclough by analyzing three levels, the micro level (text analysis),discourse level, and sociocultural level. Framework used in analyzing the meaningof texts is feminism and feminist cultural studies of existentialist Simone deBeauvouir. The results showed the novelist was established patriarchal ideology.To be equal with men, women must perform the dual role of the domestic sphereand public sphere. The story in this novel are relevant to the position and role ofwomen in the era of the 1980s, where women have multiple roles that are listed inPanca Tugas Wanita (PTW). Dual role of women has continued until the era ofthe 2000s.