Tingkat distres psikologis mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia (UI) termasuk tinggi, sebesar 39%. Sebanyak 9,1% mahasiswa melaporkan masalah Social-Psychological Relations (SPR) menjadi masalah terberatnya. Masalah ini berkaitan dengan rendahnya keterampilan sosial. Keterampilan sosial yang rendah menjadi prediktor terhadap kemunculan distres psikologis. Keterampilan ini melibatkan persepsi dan evaluasi individu terhadap suatu situasi sosial, seperti merasa tidak mampu menjalin hubungan dengan baik, evaluasi negatif terhadap diri sendiri tanpa bukti, dan takut akan penilaian negatif dari orang lain. Salah satu intervensi yang efektif adalah Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT). CBT bertujuan untuk merestrukturisasi kognitif agar muncul respon yang lebih adaptif. Metode Penelitian randomized control trial ini dilakukan dengan one group before-andafter study design dan convenience sampling di UI Depok. Intervensi dengan CBT dilakukan sebanyak 6 sesi. Hasil Kedua partisipan mengalami peningkatan keterampilan sosial dan penurunan distres psikologis, diketahui dari perbaikan skor Social Skills Inventory (SSI), Hopkins Symptom Checklist-25 (HSCL-25), dan evaluasi kualitatif. Kesimpulan CBT efektif untuk meningkatkan keterampilan sosial dan menurunkan distres psikologis pada mahasiswa UI. Teknik yang dianggap membantu adalah penentuan tujuan, thought diary, pencarian bukti, pembuatan thought card, behavior experiment, dan teknik bernapas.
The psychological distress level of undergraduate students in Universitas Indonesia was considered high, with index of 39%. A number of 9.1% undergraduate students reported to experienced Social Psychological Relations problem as the main issue. This problem related to the low social skills. Low expertise in social skills was predicted as the main cause of psychological distress. This skills involving individual perception and evaluation to a certain social situations, such as self-perceived to be incompetent to build a good relationship, negative self-evaluation without proper evidence, and fear of negative evaluation from others. One of the effective intervention techniques to deal with this problem is Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT). The aim of CBT is cognitive restructuring, in order to create more adaptive responses. Method Randomized control trial was conducted with one group before-and-after study and also convenience sampling in Universitas Indonesia. The intervention was conducted in 6 sessions. Result Both participants reported that the social skills increased and the psychological distress reduced indicated by the improvement score in Social Skills Inventory (SSI), Hopkins Symptom Checklist-25 (HSCL-25), and also qualitative evaluation. Conclusion CBT is an effective intervention to increase social skills and reduce psychological distress among undergraduate students at Universitas Indonesia. Techniques that are considered helpful were goal-setting thought diary, evidences seeking, thought card, behavior experiment, and breathing technique.