This paper will analyze the performance of adaptive slotted ALOHA DS-CDM4 over multipath fading with capture eject to increase throughput transmit data when traffic condition in saturation. To divine intervention we use algorithm to control level change transmission rate use user based on trqffic condition. Adaptive slotted ALOHA DS-CDA/L4 technique is technique access can do adaptation level transmission rate based trams condition. Using protocol access channel adaptive slotted ALOHA DS-CDAM combine between slotted ALOHA and DS-CDMA in wireless communication system. This method may users to do access simultaneously and using efficient spectrum is providential from adaptive slotted ALOHA DS-CDMA Performance of S-ALOHA DS-CDMA decrease on channel fading. To handle throughput decrease because amount bit on transmit packet, so capture effect can use to handle this problem. So effective throughput depend capture probability and probability packet success. From that result throughput adaptive slotted ALOHA DS-CDMA with capture eject on multipath fading channel increase with decrease capture ratio length bit packet and different number of path.