Quality of asphalts mixing in construction work as road povement material, on site was ejected by
many factors. One of that is temperature when act of cramming periode. For having od one force
material with good quality, controlling to act of cramming temperature was handel since the mix out from
mixing plane (AMP) until spreading period and force density on site. Temperature dicease in spreading
and density periode. Exactly will result quality and ashpalt mix will decrease. To getting know about
temperatur density on ashpalt posed Therefore in this research made laboratorium experiment where is
density temperature variable star from 140°C decrease until 70°C with interval decreasing 10° C
temperature. Result of observation in laboratorium experiment. Show that force density temperature
below 124,5"C resulting technical attitudes that is not foraging. For those is suggested that forces density
temperature is around 124,5°C - 140°C.