ABSTRAKPendahuluan: Masa remaja adalah suatu saat dimana seseorang mencari jati
dirinya. Hubungan sosial dengan orang lain menjadi hal yang tak terpisahkan
dalam masa ini, dan seringkali susunan gigi-geligi, berpengaruh terhadap
perlakuan sosial yang diterima seorang remaja dari lingkungannya. Berbagai
penelitian telah menemukan maloklusi gigi anterior atas berdampak negatif
terhadap relasi sosial remaja. Meskipun demikian, penelitian seperti ini masih
jarang ditemukan di Indonesia.
Material dan metode: Subjek berasal dari 2 SMP di Jakarta Timur, sebanyak 173
orang, yang dibagi menjadi 4 macam karakteristik oklusi: gigi anterior atas
berjejal, gigi anterior atas bercelah, dan gigi anterior atas protrusif, menggunakan
kuesioner PIDAQ (Psychosocial Impact of Dental Aesthetic Questionnaire).
Hasil: Analisis menunjukkan adanya perbedaan bermakna dalam dampak
terhadap rasa percaya diri antara remaja oklusi normal dengan maloklusi gigi
berjejal, bercelah, maupun protrusif, serta perbedaan bermakna antara dampak
psikologis yang dimiliki remaja oklusi normal dengan gigi bercelah.
Kesimpulan: Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan upaya pencegahan serta perawatan
ortodonti dini pada remaja dengan maloklusi agar dapat mencegah timbulnya
gangguan perkembangan psikososial remaja.
Abstract Introduction: Adolescence is a one of significant periods in one?s life. Relating
with others in this phase has become an inseparable aspect, and often physical
appearance, especially facial and dental, considerably determines the quality of
social treatment received from one?s surrounding. Several studies have found the
role of upper anterior malocclusion in rendering negatively one?s social
connection with his peers. Despite the quite fascinating findings, such studies are
relatively rare to be found in Indonesian context.
Material and method: impact of various anterior occlusion on adolescent
psychosocial from SMP 51 and SMP 195 in East Jakarta area by using PIDAQ
(Psychosocial Impact of Dental Aesthetic Questionnaire). Two school were
contacted and 173 subjects participated, classified into four occlusal
characteristics: normal, upper anterior crowding, upper anterior spacing, and
upper anterior protruding.
Result: There is significant difference between adolescents with normal occlusion
and those suffering from malocclusions, either crowding, spacing, or protruding.
Moreover, there is a significant psychological impact difference between
adolescents with normal dentition and those who have upper anterior spacing.
Conclusion: It can be concluded that anterior malocclusion has the possibility to
affect adolescents psychological condition. Therefore, it is deemed necessary to
take preventive action as well as early orthodontic treatment on adolescents
suffering from malocclusions in order to nullify the impact on their psychosocial