Metamfetamin merupakan stimulan yang diproduksi secara sintesis dan
termasuk salah satu jenis narkotika yang sering disalahgunakan serta diedarkan
secara ilegal di Indonesia. Investigasi kasus peredaran ilegalnya di Indonesia
selama ini belum didukung pengotor dan karakteristik/profil metamfetamin
tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis pengotor dan membuat
karakterisasi/profil serta mengetahui rute sintesis metamfetamin yang beredar
ilegal. Penelitian dilakukan pada 20 sampel metamfetamin sitaan penyidik tahun
2011-2012 dengan menggunakan instrumen kromatografi gas spektroskopi massa,
kromatografi gas ionisasi nyala dan kromatografi cair kinerja tinggi. Ekstraksi
sampel dilakukan dengan dua cara yaitu ekstraksi dengan dapar fosfat pH 10,5
dan etil asetat, dan ekstraksi langsung dengan etil asetat. Hasil penelitian
menunjukkan adanya pengotor berupa 1-fenil-2-propanon, (pseudo)efedrin, Nformilmetametamin,
N-asetilmetamfetamin, 1-fenil-2-propanol, naftalen, aziridin,
dan oksazolidin. Kiralitas sampel menunjukkan adanya metamfetamin yang
berbentuk rasemat, levo dan dekstro. Berdasarkan data penelitian di atas dapat
disimpulkan 3 rute sintesis yang digunakan yaitu : reduksi aminasi, Emde dan
Nagai. Sebaran kemurnian sampel metamfetamin berkisar antara 10% hingga
AbstractMethamphetamine is a stimulant that is produced in the synthesis and
include any type of drug that is often missused and illegally circulated in
Indonesia. Investigation of cases of illegal circulatian in Indonesia so far has not
been supported by impurities and characteristics/profile of methamphetamine. The
study was conducted to analyze impurities and make the characterization/profile
and find out an out standing synthesis route of illegal methamphetamine. The
study was conducted on 20 samples of seized methamphetamine investigation in
2011-2012 by using gas chromatography mass spectroscopy, gas chromatography
flame ionization detector, and high performance liquid chromatography.
Extraction of samples done in two ways: extraction with phosphate buffer pH 10.5
and ethyl acetate, and direct extraction with ethyl acetate. The results indicate the
presence of impurities in the form of 1-phenyl-2-propanone, (pseudo)ephedrine,
N-formylmethamphetamine, N-acetylmethamphetamine, 1-phenyl-2-propanol,
naphthalene, aziridine, and oxazolidine. Chirality of the sample indicate the
presence of racemic, levo and dextro. Based on research data can be concluded
that the synthesis of 3 routes used are: reductive amination, Emde and Nagai.