Sejak dahulu, bonggol pisang telah dikenal secara empiris dapat memicu pertumbuhan rambut, namun belum ada suatu penelitian yang membuktikan pernyataan tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui stabilitas fisik dan aktivitas pertumbuhan rambut sediaan hair tonic yang mengandung ekstrak air bonggol pisang dengan variasi konsentrasi 2%, 4%, dan 8%. Sediaan hair tonic dibuat dengan bahan tambahan etanol 96%, propilen glikol, menthol, propil paraben, metil paraben, dan natrium metabisulfit. Uji stabilitas fisik dilakukan pada suhu rendah, suhu kamar, dan suhu tinggi. Hair tonic diaplikasikan ke kulit punggung tikus yang telah dicukur untuk menguji aktivitas sediaan. Aktivitas ditentukan melalui perhitungan panjang rambut dan bobot rambut tikus. Hasil uji stabilitas fisik menunjukkan ketiga formulasi stabil pada penyimpanan suhu rendah, suhu kamar, dan suhu tinggi. Formula yang memberi hasil paling potensial terhadap pertumbuhan rambut tikus adalah hair tonic dengan konsentrasi ekstrak bonggol pisang 4%.
Since the first, banana weevil has been known empirically can trigger hair growth, but there is no research that proves the statement. The purpose of this study was to determine the physical stability and activity of hair growth hair tonic preparations containing extracts of banana weevil water by varying the concentration of 2%, 4% and 8%. Hair tonic preparations made with 96% ethanol, propylene glycol, menthol, propyl paraben, methyl paraben, and sodium metabisulfite. Physical stability test performed at low temperature, room temperature, and high temperatures. Hair tonic is applied to the back skin of mice that had been sheared to test preparation activities. Activity is determined by calculating the weight of long hair and rat hair. Physical stability of the test results showed all three formulations is stable at low temperature storage, room temperature, and high temperatures. Formula that gives the most potent against the rat hair growth hair tonic with banana weevil extract concentration of 4%.