Saat ini, industri benih hortikultura dalam negeri belum mampu memenuhi permintaan pasar. Di sisi lain, industri multinasional berkontribusi penting dalam penyediaan benih dan perkembangan industri benih hortikultura di Indonesia. Dengan terbitnya Undang-undang No. 13 tahun 2010, investasi asing di industri benih hortikultura akan dibatasi paling banyak 30% (tiga puluh persen) pada tahun 2014.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak yang ditimbulkan akibat adanya regulasi pembatasan investasi asing pada sektor industri benih hortikultura, serta untuk mendapatkan alternatif kebijakan untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut.
Penelitian ini menggunakan Metode Checklist Persaingan OECD tahun 2007 yang di serangkaian pertanyaan dan evaluasi menyeluruh mengenai pengaruh persaingan yang mungkin timbul pada industri dan pasar benih hortikultura, melalui wawancara, studi literatur, dan data pendukung dari instansi terkait.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa kebijakan pembatasan investasi asing berpotensi menghambat perkembangan dan persaingan di pasar, yaitu : (1) meningkatan konsentrasi pasar; (2) munculnya hambatan memasuki pasar melalui pembatasan penyediaan modal perusahaan; (3) mengurangi kesejahteraan konsumen; (4) menghambat inovasi; dan (5) menghambat pertumbuhan pasar.
Terkait hal ini, perlunya dilakukan peninjauan kembali kebijakan pembatasan investasi asing di sektor industri hortikultura dengan mempertimbangkan : (1) kualitas benih hortikultura di pasar; (2) harga benih hortikultura di pasar; (3) ketersediaan dan keragaman benih hortikultura di pasar; (4) Hak Kekayaan Intelektual ; (5) perkembangan inovasi dan transfer teknologi; (6) perkembangan plasma nutfah; dan (7) pertumbuhan pasar perdagangan benih hortikultura.
Nowadays, the domestic horticultural seed industry has not yet been able to fulfill the market demand. On the other hand, multinational industry has an important contribution in supplying seeds and in developing horticultural seed industry in Indonesia. With the issuance of the Law No. 13 of the year 2010, the foreign investment in the horticultural seed industry will be limited maximally 30% (thirty per cent) by the year 2014.
This research aims to discover the impacts incurred due to the regulation of foreign investment limitation in the horticultural seed industry sector, and to acquire an alternative policy to deal with the issue.
The research used the 2007 OECD Competition Checklist Method whose set of questions and entire evaluation are about the influence of the competition which might incur in the industry and market of horticultural seeds, through interview, literature study, and supporting data from relevant bodies.
Based on the research results, it is discovered that the policy of foreign investment limitation has the potential to hamper the development and competition in the market because it can: (1) increase market concentration; (2) cause some obstacles to appear to enter the market through the limitation of company capital supply; (3) reduce the welfare of the customers; (4) hamper innovation; and (5) hamper market's growth.
In relation to those, it is necessary to review the policy of foreign investment limitation in the horticultural seed industry by considering: (1) horticultural seed quality in the market; (2) horticultural seed prices in the market; (3) the availability and variety of horticultural seeds in the market; (4) Intellectual Property Rights; (5) innovation development and technology transfer; (6) germplasm development; and (7) horticultural seed trading market growth.