Karya tulis telah lama menjadi media bagi manusia untuk mengungkapkan imajinasinya. Melalui ruang imajinasi yang dikembangkan begitu intens dan kaya, pembaca dibawa ke dalam interioritas cerita. Namun, di balik interioritas si cerita tersimpan simbol-simbol interioritas sang pengarang. Dengan mengambil tiga contoh karya Edgar Allan Poe, skripsi ini akan membahas tidak hanya interioritas cerita, namun mencoba untuk menelisik lebih mendalam simbol dibalik interioritas cerita dengan mengolah data menggunakan genius loci (Norberg Schulz,1991) dan Poetics of Space (Gaston Bachelard,1994).
Literature has been the media for people to tell others their imagination. Through abstract space of imagination, which is developed intensively and rich, has taken the readers to feel the interiority of the story. But behind all stories, lay symbols which rooted to the author's interiority. With three cases from Edgar Allan Poe's stories, this script will not just talked about interiority in story, but it also tried to analyzes further behind the symbols in the stories by using theories of genius loci (Norberg Schulz, 1991) and Poetics of Space (Gaston Bachelard, 1994).