Skripsi ini membahas pola kalimat bercerita anak autis usia 8-11 tahun. Selain itu, dibahas pula jenis kalimat, penggunaan kelas kata untuk mengisi gatra, dan pemakaian konjungsi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif studi kasus pada tiga anak autis yang bersekolah di sekolah inklusi. Gambar Cookie Theft digunakan sebagai alat pancing bercerita.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ketika bercerita, para informan sudah mampu membuat kalimat tunggal, kalimat bersusun, dan kalimat majemuk setara dengan variasi pola kalimat. Penggunaan kelas kata nomina dan verba banyak dilakukan. Konjungsi sudah dipakai untuk menghubungkan antarklausa dan antarkalimat dengan berbagai macam hubungan.
This thesis discusses the patterns of sentences to tell a child with autism aged 8-11 years. In addition, it also discussed the types of sentences, the use of the word class to fill sentence structure, and the use of conjunctions. This study uses a case study method in three autistic children who attend schools in the inclusion. Cookie Theft picture used as a stimulation to tell. The results showed that when told, the informant was able to make direct sentences, compound sentences, and equivalent compound sentence with the variation pattern of the sentence. The use of the word classes of nouns and verbs is mostly done. Conjunctions are used to connect between clauses and between sentences with a variety of relationships.