Skripsi ini membahas pola peran laki-laki dan perempuan yang direpresentasikan dalam dua iklan televisi Indonesia, Royco dan Wall's, dan dua iklan produk sejenis di televisi Belanda, Knorr dan Hertog Ijs. Pembahasan dilakukan secara deskriptif dengan menggunakan metode analisis isi. Analisis dilaksanakan dengan pendekatan semiotika terhadap unsur-unsur pembangun iklan selanjutnya dikaji pola peran yang dihadirkan dalam iklan.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada keempat iklan terdapat representasi pola peran yang sama, meski terkadang ada upaya pembalikan dan pergeseran namun masih menunjukkan latar budaya masing-masing iklan. Stereotip-stereotip sosial yang sudah melekat di masyarakat luas ikut hadir dalam iklan. Dari representasi tersebut juga terlihat adanya upaya pengukuhan dan penggugatan beberapa wacana terkait pola peran antara laki-laki dan perempuan dalam keluarga.
The focus of this study is the role pattern of men and women in the family, which is represented in two television commercials in Indonesia and two advertisements with similar products on the Dutch television. By using semiotics approach, the elements of television commercials will be analyzed. This analysis has the aim to find out how the role represented in all four advertisements. From the result, the role of men and women in the family was represented harmonically with each culture, however there are some efforts to reverse it. Social stereotypes and several related discourses that are embedded in the wider community were presented in the advertisements. The ideology in these representations: the role pattern of men and women in the family is not really firm and clear as used to be. That patterns are even too loose today as can be seen on four advertisements.