ABSTRAKAnalisis Yuridis Atas Pertimbangan Hukum Majelis
Pengawas Daerah (MPD) Notaris Kota Palembang
dengan Majelis Pengawas Wilayah (MPW) Notaris
Sumatera Selatan Dalam Memutuskan Suatu Perkara
Di Wilayah Sumatera Selatan (Kasus MPPN No:
12/B/Mj.PPN/XI/2010 Tanggal 02 Desember 2010)
Abstract The role and authority of the notary is important for law traffic in social life in
addition the notary behavior and actions in carrying out the functions authorized of
Notary which is vulnerable with some manipulation that can cause harm to people,
so that the agency of guidance and supervision of the notary needs to be more
effected. This thesis discusses the role of MPD and MPW in an effort to reduce
violations of the code of conduct / breach of the implementation of the notary office
and his review in deciding the case. This study aims to determine the implementation
of supervisory duties of the notary by the MPD in Palembang and MPW in South
Sumatra. The study was a qualitative study. The results suggest that the council
inspectors having the knowledge and understanding of the Notary especially in
making of deed.