Anemia merupakan salah satu masalah gizi yang perlu mendapat perhatian khusus. Remaja putri termasuk golongan yang rawan menderita anemia karena mengalami menstruasi setiap bulannya dan sedang dalam masa pertumbuhan. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan, asupan zat gizi (energy, protein dan zat besi) dan faktor-faktor lain yang berhubungan dengan kejadian anemia pada remaja putri di SMA Kab. Kepulauan Selayar.
Rancangan penelitian cross sectional. Jumlah sampel 173 orang dipilih secara sistematik random sampling dari seluruh siswi kelas X dan XI di masing-masing SMA. Data asupan zat gizi diperoleh dengan kuesioner food recall, pola menstruasi melalui kuesioner terstruktur, dan kadar hemoglobin dengan Hb Sahli. Data dianalisis secara Univariat dan Bivariat dengan Chi Square.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada hubungan pengetahuan (p=0,000), asupan energi (p=0,023), asupan protein (p=0,003), dan zat besi (p=0,049), pekerjaan ayah (p=022), pekerjaan ibu (p=0,001), tingkat pendidikan ayah (p=0,025), tingkat pendidikan ibu (p=0,032) dengan kejadian anemia. Tidak terdapat hubungan menstruasi (p=0,930), siklus menstruasi (p=513), lama menstruasi (p=0,076), volume menstruasi (p=1,000) dengan kejadian anemia.
Anemia is one of the nutritional problems, which needs to be highly concerned. Adolescent girls are included to a group which is susceptible to anaemia because of their monthly menstruation and growth periods. Purpose of the study to determine the relationship of knowledge, nutrient intake (energy, protein and iron) and other factors associated with the incidence of anemia in adolescent girls in the school district. Selayar Islands.The design of this study was cross sectional. The amount of the sample was 173 people selected by systematic random sampling of the entire X and XI grade student at each high school. Nutrient intake data obtained with the food recall questionnaire, menstrual patterns through structured questionnaires, and levels of hemoglobin by Sahli hemoglobin. Data were analyzed with univariate and Bivariate Chi Square.The results showed no relationship of knowledge (p = 0.000), energy intake (p = 0.046), protein intake (p = 0.005), and iron (p = 0.000), father's work (p = 022), maternal employment ( p = 0.001), father's education level (p = 0.025), maternal education level (p = 0.032) with the incidence of anemia. There is no menstrual relationship (p = 0.930), menstrual cycle (p = 513), long periods (p = 0.076), menstrual volume (p = 1.000) with the incidence of anemia.