Rumah Sakit Dharmais terletak di jalan Letjen S Parman Kav.84 - 86 , Slipi Jakarta Barat di bangun diatas tanah milik pemerintah seluas 38.920 m³. Berdasarkan data Poli karyawan rumah sakit kanker dharmais dari bulan Januari 2012 sampai dengan bulan Maret 2012 dari jenis penyakit yang ada ISPA menduduki peringkat pertama disusul diare, dermatitis, gastritis dll.
Dari 15 jenis penyakit umum tersebut dengan total kunjungan karyawan 1423 orang menunjukkan adanya kasus kejadian ISPA sebanyak 57,27 % (815 orang), diare 6,60 % (94 orang), dermatitis 5.13 % (73 orang), gastritis 5,55% (79 orang) sisanya penyakit lainnya 18,13 % (258 orang) selama periode tahun 2012. Oleh sebab itu dilakukan penelitian untuk melihat hubungan konsentrasi kadar debu PM10 dengan gejala ISPA pada karyawan Rumah Sakit.
Dalam penelitian ini varibel lain yang kemungkinan berpengaruh terhadap kejadian gejala ISPA diteliti juga diantaranya : umur, jenis kelamin, tingkat pendidikan, kebiasaan beristirahat, kebiasaan merokok, Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode Cross Sectional dengan mengambil sampel 105 responden karyawan perkantoran rumah sakit. Analisis data mencakup analisis univariat dan bivariat.
Hasil analisis Bivariat menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna/ signifikan antara konsentrasi kadar debu PM10 dengan gejala ISPA (p= 1,000, OR=1,244). Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna/ signifikan antara tingkat pendidikan dengan gejala ISPA (p= 0,012, OR=5,319). Faktor umur, jenis kelamin, kebiasaan kerja, lokasi kerja, kebiasaan merokok, lama bekerja tidak memiliki hubungan yang bermakna dengan kejadian gejala ISPA pada karyawan kantor rumah sakit Kanker Dharmais.
Dharmais Hospital is located on the road Lt. S Parman Kav.84 - 86, West Jakarta Slipi built on government land area of 38 920 m³. Based on the Poly employees Dharmais Cancer Hospital from January 2012 to March 2012 from an existing respiratory diseases ranked first followed by diarrhea, dermatitis, gastritis, etc. Of the 15 types of common diseases with a total of 1423 employees visit people showed the incidence of ARI cases as much as 57.27% (815 persons), diarrhea 6.60% (94 people), dermatitis 5:13% (73 people), gastritis 5.55% (79 people) other diseases remaining 18.13% (258 persons) during the period of 2012. Therefore conducted a study to look at the relationship of PM10 dust concentration with ARI symptoms in hospital employees. In this research, other variables that may affect the incidence of respiratory symptoms studied also include: age, gender, education level, resting habits, smoking habits, research conducted by the method of Cross Sectional by taking a sample of 105 respondents employees of the hospital office. Data analysis included univariate and bivariate analysis. Bivariate analysis results showed that there was no significant relationship / significant correlation between concentrations of PM10 dust levels with respiratory symptoms (p = 1.000, OR = 1.244). There is a significant relationship / significant relationship between level of education with symptoms of respiratory infection (p = 0.012, OR = 5.319). Factors age, sex, work habits, work location, smoking habits, the old work did not have a significant association with the incidence of respiratory symptoms in office workers Dharmais Cancer Hospital.