Masalah kurang gizi pada balita merupakan masalah gizi utama di Indonesia yang ditemui pada sebagian besar wilayah Indonesia termasuk DKI Jakarta. Penelitian pada bulan Mei-Juni 2012 di wilayah kerja Puskemas Petukangan Selatan Kecamatan Pesanggrahan Jakarta Tahun 2012.
Bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kekurangan energi protein (KEP) pada balita umur 6-59 bulan. Menggunakan metode cross sectional, dengan variabel dependen adalah KEP balita, sedangkan umur, jenis kelamin, asupan makanan, penyakit infeksi, pendidikan ibu, pekerjaan ayah, penghasilan perbulan ketersediaan pangan, besarnya keluarga dan pemanfaatan pelayanan kesehatan menjadi variabel independen
Hasil penelitian menunjukan proporsi balita yang mengalami KEP adalah 54,2%. Hasil analisis bivariat, faktor-faktor yang berhubungan adalah asupan makanan, penyakit infeksi, pemanfaatan pelayanan kesehatan.
Kesimpulannya proporsi KEP termasuk tinggi. Saran pelaksanaan program intervensi gizi fokus pada kelompok rentan, mereplikasi pos gizi, promosi kesehatan gizi dan kerja sama lintas sektor.
The problem of less nutrition especially for children under five is still the case of main nutrition in Indonesia that can be found in most regions either in country side or Town, even it occurs in province of DKI Jakarta. This research was carried out from May to June 2012 in Local Government Clinic in Petukangan Selatan The sub-distric of Pesanggrahan in 2012.The goal of this research is to know the factors relating to the less energy of protein which occurs on children under five- age, within 6 to 59 months. The research used the method of cross sectional.The Dependent Variable is the status of the less energy of protein it self, whereas age, sex, food, disease infection, education of their mothers, jobs and duties, incomes per month, the amount of family, and health services become the Independent Variable.The result of this research showed that the proportion of children under fiveage who experienced the less energy of protein based on weights and ages was 54,2 %. The analyses of the factors relating to the less energy of protein was the need of food,disease infection,jobs and duties and use the health services.The conclusion of this research is that the proportion of KEP for children under five-age in Local Government Clinic in South Petukangan is high. It is suggested to carry out the intervention of nutrient program and give the focus on maximize the nutrition post and replication of nutrition post, the promotion about health as a prevent, and join with another institution.