Skripsi ini membahas bentuk-bentuk pelanggaran hukum yang dilakukan oleh pelaku usaha obat tradisional, dan peran dan tanggung jawab pemerintah terhadap peredaran obat tradisional berbahan kimia obat. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian normatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah pelaku usaha obat tradisional berbahan kimia obat telah melakukan beberapa pelanggaran sehingga melanggar beberapa ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan, dan pemerintah berperan dan bertanggung jawab dalam melakukan pembinaan dan pengawasan perlindungan konsumen untuk melindungi konsumen obat tradisional terhadap peredaran obat tradisional berbahan kimia obat.
The focus of this study is the type of violation of which is carried out by the entrepreneur of traditional medicine, and the authority and the responsibility of government toward distribution of traditional medicine produce from medicine chemistry. This research is using normative research. The result of this research is the entrepreneur of traditional medicine produce from medicine chemistry has been carried out some of violation so that violates some of legislation, and the government have the authority and the responsibility in building and controlling to protect the consumer of traditional medicine toward distribution of traditional medicine produce from medicine chemistry.