Persepsi Ketidakcukupan ASI (PKA) adalah keadaan dimana ibu merasa ASInya tidak cukup untuk memenuhi kebutuhan anaknya, PKA merupakan alasan utama seorang ibu berhenti menyusui bayinya secara eksklusif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran hubungan antara status gizi ibu dan PKA serta mendapatkan faktor yang paling dominan yang menyebabkan PKA di Kabupaten Klaten. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian primer dengan desain penelitian ini adalah cross sectional(potong lintang).Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei sampai 14 Juni di Kabupaten Klaten dengan pengambilan data di 14 Puskesmas Kecamatan mewakili 5 Kawedanan, dengan mengunakan konselor ASI Puskesmas sebagai enumerator, yang akan melakukan wawancara dan pengamatan langsung kepada ibu-ibu balita 0-<6 bulan. Dengan jumlah sampel 133 ibu balita.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kenaikan Berat badan (BB) hamil bila tidak sesuai rekomendasi IOM (Institute of Medicine) memiliki risiko PKA 2 kali dibanding ibu balita yang kenaikan BB hamil sesuai rekomendasi IOM. Ibu bekerja juga dinyatakan berisiko PKA sebesar 3 kali dibanding ibu yang tidak bekerja/IRT. Ibu yang mendapatkan perlakuan IMD dimulai > 30 menit setelah melahirkan mempunyai risiko PKA 3 kali dibanding ibu memulai IMD < 30 menit, serta ibu yang tidak mendapatkan dukungan mertua memiliki risiko 17 kali dibanding ibu yang didukung mertuanya. Hasil Analisis multivariat menunjukkan kenaikan BB sesuai rekomendasi IOM sebagai faktor yang paling dominanberhubungan dengan PKAsetelah dikontrol variabel dukungan orang tua, paritas, lama IMD, rooming-in, posisi menyusui dan perlekatan menyusui.
The Perceived Insufficient Milk (PIM) is the condition where the Mother feels her breast milk is insufficient to fulfil the needs of her baby,PIM is the main reason of a Mother to stop giving exclusive breastfeeding to her baby. The purpose of this study is to know the relation between Mother’snutritional status of a andPIMas well as to draw the most dominantfactor causing PIM at KlatenDistrict. This is a primary study with cross sectional as its design of study. The study is conducted from May to June 14th at KlatenDistrict and the data are obtained from 14 Health Centres in the Sub-District representing 5 Village using the counsellor of breast milk from the health centre as an enumerator who will conduct interview and direct observation to 133 mothers having baby with the age from 0 to under 6 months. The result of this study shows that the mothers experiencing the increase in body weight of pregnancy inappropriate to the recommendation of Institute of Medicine (IOM) have the risk of PIM two times bigger than those experiencing the increase in body weight of pregnancy appropriate to the recommendation of IOM. The working mothers are also stated having risk of PIM three times bigger than the un-working ones / housewives. The mothers starting earli initiation more than 30 minutes after delivering babies have the risk of PIM three times bigger than those starting early initiation less than 30 minutes, while the Mothers who do not get any support from their in-laws have the risk ofPIM 17 times bigger than those supported by their in-laws. The result of a multivariate analysis shows the increase of body weight appropriate to the recommendation of IOM as the most dominant factor related to the PIM after controlling the variables such as support from parents, parity, the length of time for early initiation, rooming-in, position of breastfeeding, and the attachmentof breastfeeding.