Essential oil mampu membunuh bakteri penghasil VSCs penyebab bau mulut sehingga penelitian ini ingin menguji efektivitas strip dari edible-film mengandung lima macam essential oil terhadap bau mulut. Penelitian ini adalah uji klinis menggunakan desain cross-over, randomized-double-blind, dan placebo-controlled-trial dengan 15 partisipan laki-laki. Parameter yang diukur adalah tongue coating, skor organoleptik, dan VSCs. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, strip essential oil tidak efektif menurunkan tongue coating, namun, terbukti efektif menurunkan skor organoleptik hingga 60 menit dan menurunkan VSCs hingga 30 menit. Placebo tidak efektif menurunkan ketiga parameter bau mulut. Oleh karena itu, strip essential oil lebih efektif menurunkan bau mulut dibandingkan dengan placebo.
Essential oil could kill the VSCs-producing bacteria, so, this research was to determine the efficacy of strip made from edible-film containing five types of essential oil on oral malodor. This research was clinical trial using cross-over, randomized-double-blind, and placebo-controlled-trial design with 15 male participants. The measured parameters were tongue coating, organoleptic score, and VSCs. From the result, essential oil strip couldn`t reduce tongue coating, however, it was significantly reduce organoleptic score until 60 minutes and VSCs until 30 minutes. Placebo couldn`t reduce all three oral malodor parameters. So, essential oil strip is more effective than placebo in reducing oral malodor.