Tesis ini mengidentifikasi risiko yang mempengaruhi pasca implementasi sistem Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) melalui persepsi para operator dan pengguna layanan sistem ERP di PT Indofarma Tbk terhadap aspek kemungkinan, dampak dan frekuensi terjadinya peristiwa risiko yang timbul pada tahap pascaimplementasi sistem ERP.
Hasil penelitian menemukan 34 risiko harus dicermati oleh perusahaan dalam rangka perbaikan layanan sistem ERP di masa mendatang. Diantara 34 risiko tersebut, risiko yang paling mempengaruhi pascaimplementasi sistem ERP perusahaan didominasi oleh risiko yang berhubungan dengan organisasi dan sumberdaya manusia yang terlibat dalam sistem ERP baik sebagai operator maupun pengguna sistem bukan risiko yang berakar dari permasalahan teknis.
This thesis identifies risks that could affect post-implementation system of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). The risks were identified as a result from the perception of the operators and user ofERP system at PT Indofarma Tbk on the probability, impact and frequency of risks that occurred post-implementation of the ERP system.This study also identifies 34 risks that should be carefully monitored by the Company in order to improve the ERP system in the future. Amongst these risks, it was evident that the most critical risks to post implementation of the ERP system is related to organization and human resources that are involved in the ERP system both who functions as the operators and system users which implies that these risks are not originated to technical matter.