Tesis ini membahas tentang standarisasi kompetensi konselor adiksi -dan rancangan Unit Pelaksana Teknis (UP1) aftercare daiam upaya efektifitas pelayanan aftercare pecandu narkoba. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan faktor operasionalisasi penelitian sudah ditentukan dfawal. Data primer diperoleh dari informan yang merupakan konselor adiksi UPT Terapi & Rehabilitasi (UPT T&R) BNN Lido, direktur program dan manajer program UPT T&R BNN serta lembaga swadaya masyarakat yaitu Yayasan Sababat Rekan Sebaya (SRS), Data selrunder didapatkan dati data yang telab tersodia dan dilakukan studi data. Peneliti melaknkan anaJisis melalui pemetaan job desription dan job specification berdasarkan level konselor, guna melihat kesenjangan antara teori dan praktik pada peranj fungsi dan keablian konselor odiksi di UPT T&R BNN. Setelab itu disusun standar kompetensi konselor adiksi aftercare yang didukung oleh masukan-masukan dati praktisi, direktur progrnm dan manajer program UPT T&R BNN , SRS dan basil dati stodi literatur.
Hasil yang didapatkan standar kompetensi konselor adiksi aftercare serta rancangan UPT aftetcare agar lebih efektif dan untuk meningkatkan pemuJihan pada pecandu. Saran yang diberikan oleh penulis yaitu guna mengurangi kesenjangan yang ada pada konselor adiksi di UPT T&R BNN perlu diadakannya pelatihan.pelatihan untuk menlngkatkan peran, fungsi. dan keahlian yang belum tercapai agar dapat ditingkatkan kualitasnya menjadi konselor adiksi aftercare. Diharapkan dengan rneningkatnya kemampuan dan keahlian para konselor, nantinya konseJor yang ada di UPT T&R Bl-iN dapat menjadi konselor odiksi aftercare. Peneliti juga menyarankan segera dibentuk UPT aftercare agar pemulihan pecandu dapat terus terjaga.
This thesis discusses the addiction counselor competency standarization and design of Aftercare Unit (UPT) in order to ensure service effectiveness in treating drug addicts. This study used a qualitative approach with pre-determined research operative factors. Primary data was obtained from sources who are currently work as addiction counsellors in Therapy & Rehabilitation Unit (UPT T&R) BNN Lido, program director and program manager for UPT T&R BNN as well as non-governmental organizations, such as Sahabat Rekan Sebaya Foundation (SRS). Secondary data was obtained from data which has already been available and has been examined for its validity. The author condocted the analysis by mapping job descriptions 1md job specifications based on the level of counselors, in order to see the gap between theory and practice in the role. functions and skills of addiction counselors in the UPT T&R BNN. The next step is to design the aftercare addiction counselor competency standards which were supported by input from practitioners, program director and program manager UPT T&R BNN, SRS and many other literature sources. The result obtained is a competency standard as a requirement for addiction counselors and a design of Aftercare UPT to enhance the recovery of the addicts then. Author would like to recommend that more training courses to the addiction counsellors in the UPTT&RBNN are to be provided to meet the gap and enhance the rolefunctions, and expertise that have not been fulfilled so that they can be promoted into aftercare addiction counsellor. It is expected that with the increased capabilities and expertisethe counselors in UPT T&R BNN will have sufficient qualification to act as addiction aftercare counselors. Authors aiso suggests that an Aftercare UPT should be immediately established thus recovery progress of the addicts can be sustained.