UI - Tesis Open :: Kembali

UI - Tesis Open :: Kembali

lmplementasi program pemberdayaan pemuda berbasis tempat ibadah (Masjid), tahun 2008-2011 = The implementation of youth empowerment program based on worship place (Mosque), year of 2008-2011

Eko Sri Wahyuni Setyawaty; Mochamad Enoch Markum, supervisor; Amy Yayuk Sri Rahayu, examiner; Andreo Wahyudi Atmoko, examiner (Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2011)


Penelitian ini berfokus pada kajian analisis implementasi program pemberdayaan pernuda berbasis tempat ibadah, khususuya di masjid yang dilakukan oleh Kemenpora dalam rentang waktu 2008 s/d 2011. Program ini masih menjadi pilot project yang dilaksanakan di beberapa tempat ibadah, yang tersebar di berbagai daerah. Penelitian ini k11usus meneliti implementasi di tempat ibadah masjtd. Pilot project program Pemberdayaan Pemuda Berbasis Tempat Ibadah (PPBTI) di masjid dilaksar.akan di empat Kabupaten yaitu Kahupaten Kendal, Indmmayu, Denpasar dan Mataram.
Penulis memandang periu menganalisis implementasi pilot project ini untuk mengetahui efektivitas implernentasi program ini dengan melihat kesesuaian antara program, organisasi pelaksana program dan peman(aat/ penerima program, serta melihat kesesuaian antara tujuan program dengan manfaat dan dampak yang diterima pemanfaat/ penerima program. Hasilnya dapat digunakan sebagai landasan keputusan implentasi kebijalam yang ak:an direalisasi dan direplikasi berikutnya.
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Karena keterbatasan waktu data primer diambil dari dua daerah yaitu Kabupaten Kendal 'dan Indramayu. Data diambil dari basil wawancara mendalam terhadap para informan diantaranya Asdep Peningkatan Kapasitas Pemuda Kemenpora dan para pelaksana serta peserta program PPBTI di Kendal dan Indramayu. Hasilnya, di Kendal dan Indramayu program PPBTI ini.

This study focuses on the analytical study about the implementation of youth empowerment program based on worship place, especially on mosques, which has been performed by Kemenegpora (The Ministry of Youth and Sports) of the Republic of Indonesia within the period of 2008 until 2011. The program is a pilot project that has been being conducted in several places of worship in various areas. However, this study examines only on the implementation of the program in mosques. The pilot project of Youth Empowerment Program Based on Worship Places {PPBTI) was conducted in four districs namely Kendal regency) Indramayu, Denpasar and Mataram.
The author sees the need to analyze the implementation of this pilot project to examine the effectiveness of the program implementation by ob-serving the fitness among the program, the organization that implements the program and the beneficiaries. of the program; as well as the fitness between the program objectives with the benefits and impacts of the program received by the beneficiaries. The result of this analysis could be used as a base for implementation decision of the policies that will be realized and replicated in the future.
This study uses a qualitative approach. Due ro the time constraints, the primary datas are collected from two areasonly namely Kendal and Indramayu District. The data's are collected using depth interviews with informants such as Asdep on Youth Capacity Building of Kemenegpora and the committee of the programs as well as program participants of PPBTI in Kendal and Indramayu District.

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Jenis Koleksi : UI - Tesis Open
No. Panggil : T20985
Entri utama-Nama orang :
Entri tambahan-Nama orang :
Entri tambahan-Nama badan :
Program Studi :
Subjek :
Penerbitan : Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2011
Bahasa : ind
Sumber Pengatalogan : LibUI ind rda
Tipe Konten : text
Tipe Media : unmediated ; computer
Tipe Carrier : volume ; online resource
Deskripsi Fisik : xv, 106 Pages : illustration ; 28 cm + appendix
Naskah Ringkas :
Lembaga Pemilik : Universitas Indonesia
Lokasi : Perpustakaan UI, Lantai 3
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