Tujuan dari thesis ini adalah untuk study kelayakan bisnis berdasarkan analisa keuangan dan pemasaran di pabrik penghasil resin pada PT. Kansai Paint Indonesia. Dalam rangka untuk memenuhi permintaan dan mengurangi biaya bahan material yang selalu didapat melalui impor dari Thailand dan Jepang, PT. Kansai Paint akan membangun gedung baru yang akan digunakan sebagai pabrik pengolahan resin yang dapat memproduksi resin sekitar 500 ton/bulan. Tesis ini menganalisa keuntungan dan kelayakan bisnis yang didapat dari pembangunan dan ekspansi pabrik baru yang memproduksi resin dengan menggunakan analisa keuangan Payback Period, Profitability Index, Net Present Value, dan Internal Rate Return. Kriteria agar proyek ekspansi ini dapat dilanjutkan apabila NPV bernilai positif, Internal Rate of Return sama dengan nilai Cost of Capital, Proyek ini telah menghasilkan Net Present Value positif sebesar Rp. 3.798.620.000, 00 Internal Rate of Return (IRR) sebesar 35%, yang melebihi biaya modal.
The purpose of this thesis is to analyze feasibility study based on marketing and financial analysis of new factory for resin product at PT. Kansai Paint Indonesia. In order to fulfil the order and to reduce cost for raw material that always imported from Thailand and Japan, PT. Kansai Paint would expanding to build new resin factory to produce for about 500 tons per/month.This thesis examines the profitability in commencing the expansion of new factory for resin product and the feasibility of the business through the use of financial tools namely Payback Period, Profitability Index, Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR). Criterion for a project to be accepted is where Net Present Value is positive, Internal Rate of Return exceeds the cost of capital and Profitability Index exceeds 1.The project has result positive Net Present Value as Rp. 3.798.620.000, 00 Internal Rate of Return (IRR) as 35 %, which is exceed the cost of capital; Profitability Index exceeding to 1 as 4.15 ; Payback period is 2.11 years which is less than the period of project 10 years. The marketing mix strategy I' used to serve PT. Kansai Paint Indonesia target market by focusing primarily on the buyer that adapted by combination between the 4Ps and 4Cs model, where 4Ps is a product - centric approach while 4Cs is customer- centric approach.