Thesis ini meneliti mengenai pengukuran keberhasilan kinerja manajemen risiko dengan menggunakan sistem manajemen kinerja Balanced Scorecard (BSC). Pengukuran dilakukan setelah dilakukan integrasi dari kedua konsep melalui penerapan key risk indicator (KRI} da1am perumusan key performance indicator (KPI). Studi kasus dilakukan di PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia (KSBI), yang telah mempunyai sistem manajemen risiko dan sistem manajemen kinerja dengan metode BSC. Hasil penelilian memperlihatkan bahwa penerapan KR1 dalam perumusan KPI di Divisi operasional KSEI, belum secam signifikan dapat meningkatkan kinerja keuangan dan non-keuangan. Beberapa sebab kegagalan adalah kurangnya komitmen pengarnbil keputusan, belum diJakukannya monitoring KRl dan KPl secara periodik, dan masih adanya beberapa KPJ yang belum mempunyai KRI.
This paper discussed about measuring risk management performance against the expected goals by using the performance management system the Balanced Scorecard (BSC). The measurement were taken after both sistern are integrated through the implementation of key risk indicators (KRI) in the formulation of key performance indicators (KPI), The case studies conducted at the Indonesian Central Securities Depository (KSEI), which has already implemented risk management systems and performance management systems with BSC method. The results showed that the implementation of KRIs? in the formulation of KPIs' in KSEI operational divisions has not yet been able to significantly improve the performance of both divisions and-the Company. Some causes of failure are lack of commitment from decision makers, do not Periodically monitoring KRl and KPI.and some KPIs did not had KRI.