Tesis ini mcmbahas pcngaruh dimensi knowledge Ieadershgn yang terdiri atas orienteering of learning, creating a climate, supporfing learning process dan action as a role model terhadap penciptaan pengetahuan (knowledge creating) pcngurus Organisasi Kemasyarakatan Pemuda (OKP) secara parsial dan bersama- sama. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain deskriptif. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan instrumen kuisioner. Analisisnya menggunakan analisi regresi linier ganda. I-lasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa secara bersama- sama dimensi bzowledge Ieadershqv berpengaruh signifxkan dan positif terhadap penciptaan pengetahuan (knowledge creating) pengurus OKP. Sedangkan secara parsial dimensi dimensi knowledge leadershw yang berpengaruh adalah creating a ciimare dan action as a role model.
The focus of this study is the impact of the knowledge leadership dimension consisting orienteering of learning, creating a climate, supporting leaming process and action as a role model to knowledge creating of youth social organization commitee partially and integrallity. This research is quanitative with descriptive design. The data were collected by questionnaire instrument. The data were analysized by multiple Iinier regression. Result of the research summarized that the knowledge leadership dimension influential to knowledge creating of youth social organization commitee integrallity. In Partially, the dimension of knowledge leadership give the impact signiticanly to knowledge creating are creating a climate and action as a role model.