Banyak perusahaan berupaya menampilkan kinerja Keselamatan dan Keschatan Kerja dan Lindung Lingkungan {K3LL) sebaik mungkin. Selain untuk meningkatkan produktivitas, peningkatan kinerja K3LL juga merupakan implementasi tanggung jawab perusahaan untuk memberikan perlindungan atas keselamatan dan kesehatan pekerjanya seperti yang telah diamanatkan dalam UU Rl no.1 tahun 1970.
Dari berbagai studi kecelakaan ditemukan bahwa perilaku manusia memegang peranan penting pada terjadinya suatu kecelakaan (Heinrich ct. aL, 1980; Bird dan Germain, 1990; Wiegmann dan Shappell, 1977; Reason dan Maddox,1999). Adapun desain penelitian adalah deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan cross-sectional dari 3l respondcn pekerja di PTEGS dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Analisis data menggunakan analisis statistik univariat dan bivariat.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada korelasi bermakna antara faktor pengetahuan, faktor motivasi, faktor persepsi, faktor peran rekan kerja, faktor peran penyelia pada perilaku aman di PTEGS tahun 2008 dan juga dikctahui 94% responden termasuk kategori baik dan 6% responden termasuk kategori kurang baik. Semua faktor yang diteliti berkategori baik sangat dominan (antara 87% 90%). hasil uji chi-square diketahui bahwa seluruh responden yang berkategori baik atas pengetahuan, motivasi, persepsi, peran rekan kerja dan peran penyelia juga berperilaku aman baik.
Many companies do many ways to enhance their Health, Environment (HSE) performances. TI1ese are also to show their commitments to provide the safety protection of their workers and to show their compliances with the act no.l year 1970 of Republic of Indonesia. Based on several accidents' studies found that human behavior. take the important role in the accident occurrences (Heinrich et. L, 1990; Wicgmnun and Shappdl, 1977; Rcnson and Maddox, 1999).
Based on above findings and the company commitment maintain the high HSE performance, the writer do analyzing the contributing factors to safety behavior. For this purpose , the writer used descriptive analytic with cross sectional approach. The Writer collected the data from 31 respondent of PT EGS workers by structured questionaires. The data analysed use unvariate analysis and bivariate analysis.
The result showed that all contributing factors (knowledge, motivation, perception, role of coworkers, and role of supervisors) had significant correlation with safety behavior at PT. EGS Indonesia in the year of 2008. Besides that it's known that 94% respondents categorized as good and 6% respondent categorized as poor good. The percentages of respondents categorized as good were very dominant (between 87% 90%). By using the chi-square tcest known that all respondents who have good category in the contributing factors also do safety behavior. Hopefully the results of this research could be contributed to the enhancement of the safety behavior and HSE performances at PT EGS.