Tesis inin membahas pengembangan dari model penerimaan teknologi {TAMJ} yang mengintegrasikan teori difusi inovasi. persepsi resiko. kepercayaan dan word ( (mouth dapat menentukan adopsi belanja online. Data dikmnpulkau melalui survey yang dilakukan te(hadap mahasiswa Magister Manajemen Universitas Indonesi L Analisa jalur digunakan untuk menguji hubungan kausal antar variabel di dalam model yang diajukan. Hasil penelitian ini mengkonfirmasi bahwa model penerimaan teknologi dan teori difusi inovasi relevan untuk adopsi belanja online, dimana ;Hm;:eiwd usefulness, perceived ease of use, word of mouth. dan behavioral intention berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap actual use belanja online.
This study present an extended technology of acceptance model (TAM) that integrates innovation diffusion theory, perceived risk, trust, and word of month into TAM model to investigate what determines online shopping adoption. Data was collected from a survey of student of Magister Manajemen, University of Indonesia. Path analysis was used to evaluate the causal effect among variables within proposed model. The finding of this study confirm that technology of acceptance model and innovation diffusion theory is relevant for online shopping adoption 1rhere perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, word of mouth, and behavioral intention significantly affected actual use of online shopping.