Kosmetik yang digumakan harus aman, bermutu dan bermanfaat, untuk itu kosmetik hams dibuat sesuai dengan aspek CPKB (Cara Pembuatan Kosmetik yang Baik). Industri kosmetik banyak terdapat di Jakarta, namun belum semua menerapkan CPKH. Disinilah diharapkan peran Badan POM untuk meningkatkan kcpatuhan industri kosmetik dalam penerapan CPKB. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatifl Sumber data berasal dari sumber data primer yaitu hasil wawancara mendalam dengan pejabat di Badan POM, Balai Besar POM dan penanggungjawab produksi pada industri kosmetik. Sumber data sekunder yaitu buku literatur, peraturan perundang-1mdangan,_lapomn, dan arsip, intemct. Setelah data dipercleh lalu dilakukan analisis data kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan analisis data yang telah dilakukan maka disimpulkan bahwa pengawasam Badan POM terhadap kepatuhan penerapan CPKB, tidak lepas dengan kebijakan lintas sektor. Sedangkan rendahnya kepatuhan pencrapan CPKB industri kosmetik dapat ditingkatkan dengan pembinaan tidak hanya tentang CPKB tapi perlu juga tcntang bagaimana pengembangan usahanya.
The use of cosmetic must be safe, qualified and have bene5ts, for that the cosmetics must be manufactured in accordance with the CPKB (Good Manufacturing Procedure of Cosmetic). There are many cosmetics industries in Jakarta, but not all of them apply the CPKB. In this regard interference of The National Agency of Drug and Food Control (NADFC) is expected to increase compliance of cosmetics industrie in applying the CPKB. The research used the qualitative method. 'l'he source of data obtaind from the primer data as the result of performed in interviewing the The National Agency of Drug and Food Control (NADFC) oiiicial, Provincial NADFC and cosmetics production Manager. Source for the secondary data as liturature, regulation of the constitution, report and file, internet. After obtaining data’s followed by performing the qualitative analysis. Based on examination result and the completion of the data’s analys is therefor con eluded that The National Agency of Drug and Food Control (NADFC) supervision regarding the compliance in applying the CPKB is related with the other institution concem. Where as decreasing in compliance to apply CPKB in cosmetics industries can be increased by development not only about the CPKB but also needed how to develop their business.