Bolivia telah sukses melaksanakan nasionalisasi sektor migasnya pada 2006, melalui strategi peraturan/perundang-undangan yang mengatur tentang sektor migas renegosiasi kontrak dengan pengelola sektor migas Bolivia serta penguasaan mayoritas saham perusahaan asing yang beroperasi di sektor migas Bolivia. Untuk mewujudkan ketahanan energi di Indonesia dapat dilakukan dengan nasionalisasi sektor migas. Strategi nasionalisasi sektor Migas Bolivia tidak sepenuhnya dapat diterapkan di Indonesia. Hal ini dikarenakan terdapatnya bebcrapa perbedaan kondisi yang terdapat di Indonesia dan Bolivia. indonesia akan lebih efektif apabila melaksanakan nasionalisasi melalui peraturan dan perundangmndangan, khususnya dengan melakukan revisi UU No. 22 Tahun 2001.
Bolivia has been successfully carrying out the nationalization of oil and gas sector in 2006 through a strategy of regulation / legislation that regulates the oil and gas sector; renegotiate contracts with oil and gas sector managers in Bolivia, and mastery of the majority shares of foreign companies operating in Boliviais oil and gas sector. To achieve energy security in Indonesia can be done with the nationalization of oil and gas sector. Nationalization of Bolivian oil and gas sector strategy is not entirely applicable to Indonesia. This is because the presence of several dyfferent conditions found in Indonesia and Bolivia Indonesia will be more qfective if carried through the natzbnalieation through regulations and legislation, especially with the revised Law. 22 of 2001.