Industri energi kelistrikan di Indonesia saat ini sedang menghadapi seperti harga minyak dunia yang cenderung tidak stabil, pemadaman bergilir akibat kurangnya pasokan energi listrik dan isu kenaikan tarif dasar listrik (TDL). Bagi sektor industri dan komersial, tantangan tersebut harus dihadapi meskipwi hiaya-biaya produksi menjadi semakin meningkat akibat isu yang berhubngan dengan energi tersebut. Konservasi energi kelistrikan adalah salah sam alternatif kegiatan untuk penghematan energi. Kegiatan tersebut dimanfaatkan oleh PT. CEP scbagai peluang untuk menghasilkan profit baru. Peluang PT. CEP pada industri jasa kelistrikan sebagai power provider salution dianalisis berdasarkan business anjacencies pada landscape bisnis energi kelistrikan, business expertise, resource dan capabilities perusahaan tersebut untuk menghadapi tantangan bisnis jasa energi kelistrikan.
Electrical energy industry in Indonesia is currentbr facing such as world oil prices which tend to be unstable, rolling blackouts due to lack of energy supply and the issue of increasing tarif of electricity (TDL). For commercial and industrial sectors, these challenges must be faced even though production costs increased as a result become increasingly berhubngan issues with energy. Conservation of electrical energy is one alternative for energy saving activities. The event was exploited by PZ CEP as an opportunity to generate new profit. Opportunities PT.CEP on the electrical service industry as a power solution provider business atjacencies were anabrzed based on electrical energy business landscape, business expertise, resources and capabilities to face the challenges of enterprise business services electrical energy.