Adanya peningkatan jumlah pasien yang mendapatkan tindakan hemodialisis, pasien baru dan adanya pasien yang meninggal akibat penyakit gagal ginjal di RSUD Abdul Moeloek Bandar Lampung. Berdasarkan hal tersebut dilakukan penelitian mengenai kinerja Unit Hemodialisa berdasarkan pendekatan balanced scorecard. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil penilaian kinerja menurut pendekatan balanced scorecard di RSAM dikategorikan cukup. Hal ini dilihat dari perspektif pelanggan dan perspektif pertumbuhan dan pembelajaran sedangkan untuk perspektif keuangan dan perspektif bisnis internal masih kurang. Perlu adanya komitmen dari stakeholders di RSAM untuk meningkatkan kinerja dan mutu pelayanan khususnya di Unit Hemodialisis. Perlu dibuatkan secara bersama untuk key performances indicator Unit Hemodialisa RSUD Abdul Moeloek terutama yang berkaitan dengan perspektif keuangan. Diperlukan tahapan uji coba lebih lanjut ruang HD melalui pendekatan BSC. Standar operasional prosedur ruang Unit Hemodialisa sebaiknya disesuaikan dengan standar Pernefri. Perlu dilakukan peningkatan kemampuan SDM melalui kegiatan training, seminar, workshop dan pendidikan berkelanjutan.
There are increasing the numbers of patients who receive hemodialysis treatment and new patients who died because of kidney failure disease in Abdul Moeloek Hospital Bandar Lampung. Researcher interested to research about Hemodialysis unit performance based on the balanced scorecard approach. This study uses qualitative and quantitative research methods. Results of performance assessment by the balanced scorecard approach in the RSAM with average categorized. It is seen from the customer perspective and the perspective of growth and leaning while for the financial perspective and internal business perspective is still lacking. It needs a commitment from stakeholders in the RSAM to improve performance and quality of services particularly in the hemodialysis unit. Provision shall be made collectively to key performances indicator Unit Abdul Moeloek Hospital Hemodialysis primarily related to the financial perspective. Required further testing stages of HD space through the BSC approach. Standard operating procedure Hemodialysis unit space should be adjusted to the Pernefri standard. Further, improve the capacity of human resources through training activities, seminars, workshop and continuing education.