Pengenalan pengelolaan uang saku dan menabung pada anak (usia 6 - 9 tahun) di pemukiman A] Bahar dilakukan untuk menghindarkan anak terus hidup dalam Iingkaran kemiskinan. Program intervensi ini diadaptasi dari penelitian Roos dkk (2005) di Afrika Selatan dan menggunakan strategi psikologi intervcnsi Sosial. Landasan tcori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Lewin is three-step model (1947) dan Kelman's altitude change theory (1958). Hasil dari program intervensi ini menunjukkan bahwa pemahaman dan identiiikasi anak terhadap konsep ckonomi meningkat. Latar belakang motivasi perilaku menabung anakjuga didiskusikan dalam Iaporan ini.
In order to prevent perpetual poverty among children whom lived in low socioeconomy status context, an intruduction of pocket money management and wvitlg were proposed and conducted for children (age 6 - 9 years old) in Al Bahar area. Psychological and social intervention startegies to promote pocket money management and saving behaviour were used and the intervention programme was adapted from the reasearch of Roos et al (2005) in South Africa. The ground theories of the programme were Lewin's three-step model (1947) and Kelman's attitude change theory (1958). The result showed that performance on understanding and identification of economic concept improved after the programme was conducted. The motivational background for children’s saving behaviour was discussed.