Prevalensi infeksi nosokomial di seluruh dunia menjadi perhatian yang serius bagi seluruh pelayanan kesehatan terutama di rumah sakit. Salah satu faktor yang berkontribusi adalah ketidakpatuhan dalam pelaksanaan prosedur cuci tangan sesuia dengan standar prosedur operasional. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kepatuhan perawat dalam pelaksanaan five moment hand hygiene di IRNA C RSUP Fatmawati tahun 2013.
Desain yang digunakan adalah deskritif obsevasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional. jumlah Sampel adalah 97 orang yang diambil dengan purposive sampling. Analisa data yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini yaitu analisis data univariat.
Hasil penelitian di dapatkan sebagian besar responden memiliki tingkat kepatuhan kurang sebesar 69,1%, kepatuhan sedang sebanyak 18,6% dan kepatuhan baik sebanyak 12,4%. Disarankan kepada seluruh perawat lebih meningkatkan dan peduli terhadap pentingnya pelaksanaan standar prosedur five moment hand hygiene, dan Rumah Sakit memberikan reward kepada perawat yang patuh dalam melaksanakan standar tersebut.
Prevalensi infection in the world has been more attention for healthy service especially in the hospital. One factor that had contributed is disobedience in conducting the procedure of hand washing is suitable with standard operating procedures. The aims of this research is to know the level of nurse obedience in conducting five moment hand hygiene in Irna C RSUP Fatmawati in 2013. This research used design of observational descriptive by cross sectional approaching. The sum of respondence are 97 persons who were taken by purposive sampling. Data analysis which was done in this research is data analysis univariat. The result of this research was got most of respondence had low level obedience 69,1%, middle of level obedience is 18,6 % and high level obedience is 12, 4 %. It was suggested to all nurses that they should improve and had more attention of importance in conducting the procedure and the hospital would give kind of reward to the nurse who had obedience in conducting the procedure of five moment hand hygiene.