Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan persepsi antara konsumen pria dan wanita yang berbelanja di ritel modern, yakni hipermarket, terkait karakteristik toko yang penting bagi mereka ketika memilih tempat berbelanja keperluan rumah tangga atau kebutuhan sehari-hari. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian deskriptif yang dilakukan pada satu kali periode pengambilan data (single cross sectional).
Peneliti menggunakan metode non-probability sampling, yakni jenis purposive sampling, dalam mengumpulkan 163 responden, baik yang sedang berbelanja atau pernah berbelanja di Hypermart Depok Town Square. Total responden ini terbagi dengan proporsi yang sama rata, yakni 82 pria, dan 82 wanita. Dalam melakukan pengolahan data, peneliti menggunakan uji beda t-test (2-tailed) dengan dibantu software IBM SPSS Statistic 20.
Hasil penelitian ini menjawab dua dari sepuluh rumusan masalah yang peneliti ajukan, yakni terdapat perbedaan persepsi antara pria dan wanita terkait promotion and specials, dan availabity of advertised products. Untuk variabel karakteristik toko lainnya, pria dan wanita menunjukkan tingkat kepentingan yang tidak berbeda.
The purpose of this research is to investigate the differences in male and female consumer relating to their perceived importance level of store characteristics, which influences them in selecting the store for grocery shopping. This research would also like to prove that the level of importance male respondents has over store characteristics are lower than female respondents. This research uses single-cross-sectional descriptive approach as the research design, and uses purposive sampling method for sample collection. Total 163 respondents are deliberately divided into two categories, male consumers counted for 82 respondents, and the rests 81 are female. This research use t-test (2-tailed). In doing so, researcher utilized software IBM SPSS Statistic 20. The results indicate only two from ten proposed research-problems have been successfully proven, which are related to promotion and specials, and availabity of advertised products. For the other store characteristic variables, male and female consumers show no differences relating to their perceived important level.