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UI - Tesis Membership :: Kembali

Ideologi media atas konstruksi distinction pejabat negara : analisis wacana distinction Dahlan Iskan pada harian Koran Tempo = Ideology of media on construction of state official's distinction : discourse analysis on Dahlan Iskan's distinction in the Koran Tempo daily / Nurul Islam

Nurul Islam; Udi Rusadi, supervisor; Pinckey Triputra, examiner; Eduard Lukman, examiner; Irwansyah ([Publisher not identified] , 2013)


Penelitian ini bermaksud melihat proses produksi berita di Koran Tempo
sebagai arena media yang diintegrasikan dengan pemikiran Bourdieu melalui
strategi distinction dan akumulasi kepemilikan kapital oleh aktor politik. Strategi
tersebut sebagai konsepsi yang melanggengkan praktek dominasi aktor sekaligus
sebagai politik-pencitraan. Fokus penelitian ini merupakan usaha untuk
memahami bagaimana proses produksi berita melalui konstruksi distingsi Dahlan
Iskan dan bagaimana ideologi media dalam proses tersebut. Analisis wacana kritis
dan juga in-depth interview digunakan sebagai metode untuk memperoleh data
tentang praktek simbolisasi melalui kapital simbolik, demikian pun distinction,
dalam proses konstruksi praktek dominasi Dahlan Iskan atas pejabat negara
lainnya, sebagai pejabat negara yang berbeda dan nyeleneh. Tesis ini
menunjukkan bahwa akumulasi kepemilikan kapital melalui faktor relasi sosial
dan kapital sombolik melalui distinction Dahlan menjadi praktek wacana dan
usaha legitimasi bahwa Dahlan merupakan pejabat negara yang merakyat dengan
maksud politik-pencitraan. Kemudian masyarakat memahaminya sebagai suatu
tindak-laku yang tidak lazim dan hal itu menjadi nilai berita. Wacana tersebut
sejatinya merupakan doxa yang diciptakan oleh Dahlan untuk membentuk suatu
dominasi atas yang lain. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa teks berita distinction
Dahlan merupakan bentuk strategi kekuasaan dalam melanggengkan dominasi
yang terselubung bagi sang aktor melalui penampilan nyata atau presentasi politik
yang dikonstruksi oleh Koran Tempo yang didasari oleh relasi sosial dan
kepemilikan kapital simbolik Dahlan Iskan. Serta, ideologi pragmatis Koran
Tempo atas pemberitaan melalui strategi eksploitasi tindakan Dahlan yang tidak
lazim sehingga menarik khalayak media untuk membacanya. Ideologi tersebut
sejatinya menumbuh-kembangkan praktek bisnis media, sekaligus secara tidak
langsung melanggengkan kekuasaan sang aktor Dahlan Iskan melalui simbolisasi
teks berita.

This research aims to get the process of news production in the Koran
Tempo Daily as journalistic field which is integrated in Bourdieu‟s thought by
concept of distinction and with the accumulation for actor‟s own capitals of state
official or political professional. The strategy of distinction is the conception that
has preserved the domination of political actor, due to the political presentation or
as political-imaging. It becomes the content of media which is bias to self-interest
of media. For Shoemaker and Reese, it is affected by journalists, routines of
media, organization form from media, extra media and ideology of media. The
motives of this study make serious efforts to understand the process of news
production by means of the construction on distinction of Dahlan Iskan and to
explain ideology of Koran Tempo on its process. Critical Discourse Analysis of
Fairclough and in-depth interview which both of them are used as methods for
getting data about practice of symbolization by way of its process on his
distinction. Dahlan is the state official having the different doings or nyeleneh,
and dissimilar political professionals with the others. This thesis indicates the
accumulation for actor‟s capitals through the factor of social relation and symbolic
capital by means of Dahlan‟s distinction to be discourse practices and to attain a
certain aim the legitimation that Dahlan is the state official who is to be close to
the people, and with it make image of politics. The community has understood it
as a different action in which already-made-explicit doings of the other political
professionals and it is to be trending topic of news. Indeed, Discourse of Dahlan‟s
distinction for strategy of politic is doxa, is created by Dahlan to shape
domination on the others. In conclusion, it refers to text of Dahlan‟s distinction as
the strategy of dominance within making covert practice of him, by way of
political presentation constructed by Koran Tempo, which is based by his own
capital of symbolic and of social relation with Koran Tempo. Along with the
pragmatic module of Koran Tempo for reporting news by the strategy of
exploitation to Dahlan‟s action which is not usually from the others, with the
result that it interests public to consume it. That ideology gives the form of
business practice for Koran Tempo, at one below it makes dominance of Dahlan
by social capital as the asset of relation and symbolization within text.

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Jenis Koleksi : UI - Tesis Membership
No. Panggil : T35716
Entri utama-Nama orang :
Entri tambahan-Nama orang :
Entri tambahan-Nama badan :
Program Studi :
Subjek :
Penerbitan : [Place of publication not identified]: [Publisher not identified], 2013
Bahasa : ind
Sumber Pengatalogan : LibUI ind rda
Tipe Konten : text
Tipe Media : unmediated ; computer
Tipe Carrier : volume ; online resource
Deskripsi Fisik : xiii, 183 pages : illustration ; 28 cm + appendix
Naskah Ringkas :
Lembaga Pemilik : Universitas Indonesia
Lokasi : Perpustakaan UI, Lantai 3
  • Ketersediaan
  • Ulasan
  • Sampul
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