ABSTRAKSocial processes occur in relation to changes in structural and cultural
aspects. The process is a new space that is created when there is a structural and
cultural pressures both in agriculture and industry. This raises the niche labor
services abroad, as overseas markets especially Saudi Arabia is very easy to
access and is considered as a safety valve. Potential labor market is then
successfully put to good use by the sponsors in cooperation with PPTKIS for
sending workers to Saudi Arabia. Process becomes easier because the links do
revolution and commodification CTKI recruitment and utilize social capital in the
form of trust.
ABSTRACTNotary is a position of trust, so that the dignity and dignity of the notary position
must be maintained, especially when in performing his duties. In taking an action
and deed should be prepared based on the rule of law, in addition to the notary
also must examine all the evidence presented, and hear testimony or statements of
the parties as set forth in the base material for the deed. So that the deed he had
done the do not lose their authenticity and does not cause harm to others. If in
making authentic act, a notary public is not known based on the applicable law,
the notary shall be responsible for the deed he had done. As was the case in
Decision No.86/Pdt.G/2009/PNJkt.Tim., Which at the time made a Notary A Sale
and Purchase Agreements, penghadap who appear before the notary is Mr. M as a
buyer, while the seller is Mr S was not appear before the notary. Sale and
Purchase deed manufacture only based on the original Land Certificate which
belong to Mr. S brought by Mr. M. When in fact Mr. S as the owner of the land
was never intended to sell the land to anyone, including to Mr. M. By simply
using the original Land Certificate belongs in the absence of Mr. S and Mr. S as
the owner and seller of the land, A Notary Deed of Sale made by efforts to
manipulate the data, falsifying documents and signatures belong to Mr. S. And in
the Sale and Purchase Agreements as though it has been trading in accordance
with applicable law, whereas the full purchase engineering. For making the Sale
and Purchase Agreements which contain fake information to make Mr. S suffered
losses. Against losses suffered by Mr S then A must be responsible for the notary
delete is to repeal and crossed the Sale and Purchase Agreements have been made
and resulted in the Sale Deed null and void