Angka kejadian caries gigi pada anak usia prasekolah mencapai 89 % disebabkan kurangnya keterampilan menggosok gigi. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui efektivitas edukasi teknik menggosok gigi terhadap keterampilan menggosok gigi pada anak TK. Desain penelitian quasi eksperiment dengan pre and post test with control group. Sampel anak TK berusia usia 5-6 tahun, mandiri, berjumlah 44 orang. Pengumpulan data menggunakan lembar observasi.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada perbedaan rerata keterampilan menggosok gigi antara kelompok kontrol dan intervensi, edukasi teknik menggosok gigi efektif meningkatkan keterampilan anak sebesar 64 %. Edukasi teknik menggosok gigi perlu dilakukan di sekolah dengan partisipasi aktif guru dalam meningkatkan kemampuan anak.
The incidence of dental caries in preschool children reached 89% due to lack of brushing skills. The research aims to determine the effectiveness of educational techniques for teeth brushing skills in kindergarten children. Quasi-experimental research design with pre and post test with control group. Sample of kindergarten children aged 5-6 years old, independent, total amount are 44 people. Collecting data used the observation sheet. The results showed there is difference the mean of brushing skills between the control and intervention groups, teeth brushing techniques education effectively improve children's skills are 64%. brushing techniques education should to be done in the schools through active participation of teachers to improve the skill of brushing.