ABSTRAKLatar belakang penelitian ini adalah gagalnya Setgab mendukungkebijakan pemerintah SBY-Boediono di Sidang Paripurna DPR RI, 31 Maret 2012 tentang RAPBN-P 2012. Fenomena ini bertentangan dengan konsep koalisi untuk membentuk pemerintahan mayoritas yang stabil, efektif dan berjangka lama. Atas dasar itu,permasalahan penelitian adalah: 1). bagaimanapolahubunganantarpartaikoalisidalamSekretariatGabungan (Setgab) denganformasipemerintahanan SBY-Boediono?; 2). bagaimanasikappolitikanggotaSetgabdalamSidangParipurna DPR RI, 31 Maret 2012 tentang RAPBN-P 2012?; 3). mengapakoalisipolitikyangmayoritasdilegislatifgagalmengamankankebijakanpemerintahdalam RAPBN-P2012 diSidangParipurna DPR RI, 31 Maret 2012?.
Penelitian ini menggunakan teori koalisi dari Arendt Lijphart, teori Hubungan Eksekutif-Legislatif oleh Alan Ware, teori Konflik dari Lewis A. Coser, dan teori Pilihan Rasional dari James Anderson. Penelitianini menggunakan metodekualitatif, dengan teknikanalisis data deskriptif analitis. Sedang pengumpulan data dengan data primer dansekunder, baik dokumen maupunwawancaramendalamdengan tokoh dalam koalisi.
Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah Setgab merupakan koalisi besar (oversized coalition),terdiri dari partai politik dengan jarak ideologi lebar, berorientasi kekuasaan (office seeking) dan bersifat pragmatis. Secara formal hubungan eksekutif-legislatif menganut sistem presidensil, namun dalam realitasnya presiden sangat tergantung dukungan legislatif. Dalam koalisi terjadi konflik politik, namun langkah Golkar dapat dimaknai sebagai bentuk katub penyelamat menghindarkan dari konflik yang lebih besar. Sikap politik anggota koalisi dalam merespon usulan pemerintah mengenai APBN-P 2012 dalam Sidang Paripurna DPR, 31 Maret 2102 lebih menekankanpertimbangan maksimalisasi kepentingan internal partai dibandingkan komitmen terhadap kepentingan koalisi. Hal inilah yang menyebabkan terjadinya kegagalan anggota Setgab dalam mengamankan kebijakan pemerintahan pada saat Sidang Paripurna DPR RI, 31Maret 2012.
Implikasi teoritis menunjukan bahwa partai-partai dalam Setgab sikap politiknya cenderung bersifat pragmatis, mengutamakan kepentingan internalnya sehingga sering mengalami konflik internal, sesuai dengan pendapat Arendt Lijphart, James Anderson dan Lewis A. Coser. Sedangkan teori hubungan eksekutif-legislatif dari Alan Ware mampu menjelaskan hubungan secara normatif, namun lemah dalam menjelaskan hubungan eksekutif-legislatif dalam konteks praktek empirisnya.
ABSTRACT This study was based on the fact of frictions that took place among members of the Government Coalition called the Setgab at the Plenary Session of DPR RI on March 31, 2012, during the discussion of the Bill of the Revision to the 2012 National Budget. It included the political manoeuvering of Golkar Party by petitioning to add a clause to the proposed Bill. The other is PKS Party's rejection to the Governrnent's proposed Bill.These have hindered the coalition from reaching a consensus to further secure the Governrnent's policies.
This phenomenon went against the intention of building acoalition in order to guarantee a stable, effective and sustainable majority governrnent. Based on this issue, the research question is formulated as follows: what was the pattem of relation among parties in the Coalition of Setgab related to the formation of SBY's govemment?;what was the positioning of members of the Govemment Coalition on the Bill of the Revision to the 2012 National Budget at the Plenary Session of DPR RI, March 31, 20127; and, why did the Coalition fail to secure the Govemment's Bill on the Revision of the 2012 Budget Bill despite having built a majority in the legislature? This research involves the use of qualitative method with descriptive analytical technique in analysing the data. In the section of theoretical framework, it incIudes the use of theories on coalition, conflict, executive-legislative relation, and rational choice. The data collected incIudes primary and secondary data.Data collection also usedin-depth interview with prominent persons within the Coalition.
Findings of this study demonstrate th at the Coalition established was a large one,consisting of political parties with wide ideological range, tied together by officeseeking motivation and was a pragmatic move to fulfill practical considerations. Consequently, the relationship between the executive and legislative institutions became a vulnerable one, particularly in the face of political conflicts. Formally adopting presidential system, in reality the Indonesian president largely depends on the parliament's support. Furthermore, coalitions formed to guarantee parties' support for governrnent's policies in the legislative is at times interrupted by the extension of certain party' s selfish interest which created conflict between the president and other coalition member/s.Finally, findings and conclusions of this study show the theoretical implications in the analysis and that the theories are relevant in explaining the answer to research questions.