Tesis ini membahas hasil penelitian mengenai pelaksanaan Manajemen Sekuriti Fisik di Kampus Universitas Tarumanagara (Untar). Kenyataan menunjukkan bahwa kasus-kasus gangguan keamanan di lingkungan Kampus Untar masih relatif besar dan cenderung meningkat. Kondisi fisik Untar yang terdiri dari tujuh blok bangunan dengan ratusan ruangan-ruangan kelas, laboratorium, pusat komputer, kantin, bank dan jumlah mahasiswa yang terus meningkat membuat kampus ini menjadi rentan terhadap gangguan keamanan dan kejahatan.
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode pengamatan lapangan didukung dengan metode wawancara dan menghimpun dokumen terkait. Wawancara dilakukan kepada para petugas terkait dengan pengelolaan pengamanan kampus.
Hasil penelitian dianalisa secara kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kelemahan dalam sistem manajemen sekuriti antara lain bahwa sistem pengamanan kampus terlalu mengandalkan tenaga-tenaga outsourcing, sehingga mereka kurang mempunyai rasa memiliki. Disamping kekurangan tenaga keamanan, juga kekurangan jumlah sarana pengamanan seperti CCTV dan sarana penghalang, serta kurangnya koordinasi dengan pihak kepolisian. Oleh sebab itu disarankan untuk memperkuat tenaga pengamanan internal, pengintegrasian sistem pengamanan tenaga internal dan tenaga outsourcing dan kepolisian, melengkapi sarana prasarana pengamanan serta pemberdayaan tenagatenaga pengamanan melalui program pelatihan.
The thesis analyzes the result of the research conducted on the implementation of physical security management at the Tarumanagara University (Untar). The facts showed that the number of cases against security at the Untar campus is relatively big and tend to increase. The physical condition of Untar campus consisting of several building blocks with hundreds of class-room and the increasing number of students make the Untar campus is facing the potential security problems and threats.The research was conducted by using field research method, supported by interviews and documents collection. Interviews were conducted to a number of key informants related to security management of Untar campus. The result of the research were analyzed qualitatively and descriptively.The result of the research showed the lack of the security management system at the Untar campus, among other that the security personnel is too much dependent on the contract and outsourced employees, who have a relatively low of sense of belonging. Also there has been insufficient security means such as CCTV and physical border installation, as well as the lack of coordination with the police officers. Therefore, it is adviced to empower internal security personnel, to integrate internal and outsourced employees and the role of police into an integrated physical security management system, improve security device and installations and empower security personnel through training programs.