Disertasi ini merupakan hasil penelitian eksploratif kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Indikator yang dapat menilai kebutuhan perawatan ortodonti interseptif yaitu: frenulum, karies molar kedua sulung, kehilangan gigi anterior, peg shape, kehilangan dini molar pertama dan kedua sulung rahang bawah, pergerakan ke mesial molar pertama bawah, persistensi gigi anterior sulung, kehilangan dini kaninus sulung, gigitan silang anterior, gigi berjejal insisivus permanen, hubungan molar, diastema, jarak gigit, gigitan dalam, gigi supernumerary, gigitan terbuka anterior dan gigitan silang posterior. Pendidikan orang tua signifikan berpengaruh terhadap kebutuhan perawatan ortodonti interseptif. Pendapatan, pengetahuan, sikap orang tua dan umur, jenis kelamin serta tindakan anak signifikan tidak mempengaruhi kebutuhan perawatan ortodonti interseptif. Indeks Kebutuhan Perawatan Ortodonti Interseptif memiliki kesesuaian dengan Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN) sebagai indeks pembanding.
This dissertation is the result of qualitative and quantitative study. The indicators of this index are frenulum, caries of second primary molars, missing of anterior teeth, peg shaped, premature loss of mandibular first and second primary molars, mesial drifting of mandibular first molars, prolonged retention of anterior teeth, premature loss of deciduous canines, anterior crossbite, crowding of Incisors, molar relationship, diastema, overjet, deep bite, supernumerary teeth, anterior open bite and posterior crossbite. Education was statistically significant different. No significant differences in Interceptive orthodontic Care Need Index and The IOTN were found by income, knowledge and attitude of parents, age, sex, and children behavior. Interceptive Orthodontic Care Need Index has diagnostic relations with Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN), which acts as comparison index.