ABSTRAKTesis ini membahas mengeni Jual beli hak atas tanah berdasarkan hokum adat
yang dijadikan dasar untuk pendaftaran tanah di Kabupaten Gowa Propinsi Sulawesi
Selatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian normatif, sehingga penelitian
ini dapat memberikan gambaran tentang kedudukan jual beli tanah yang dilakukan
berdasarkan hokum adat dalam pandangan hokum positif di Indonesia dan bagaimana
perlindungan hukum serta solusi hokum terhadap pemegang hak terakhir yang
mengalami kesukaran dalam melakukan pendaftaran tanah akibat jual beli
berdasarkan hokum adat, dari hasil penelitian disarankan bahwa jual beli hak atas
tanah hendaknya dilakukan dihadapan PPAT. Untuk Kantor Pertanahan berkewajiban
untuk memberikan informasi serta penyuluhan tentang hokum tanah nasional kepada
masyarakat setempat agar terciptanya kepastian hokum dan agar masyarakat mengerti
bagaimana system atau tata cara pendaftaran tanah yang diatur dalam peraturan
ABSTRACTThis thesis discusses about sales and purchase of the rights of landaccording to customary
law which those kind of law was the basis for the registration of land in South Sulawesi Province
in Gowa District. This research are using research methods of normative research with
qualitative approach, so therefore this research can provide an overview about the status of the
sale and purchase of land made under the customary laws in Indonesiapositive law perspective
and how its gives legal protection alsodispute settlement concerning to the previous of land right
holders which experienced difficulties in land registration as a result of sales and purchase of
land with customary law as it foundation, from this research were suggests thatthe sale and
purchase of land rights should be done in the presence of PPAT. For the Land Agency Office is
obliged to provide information and guidance about the national law of the land to the local
community so that legal certainty can be assure and also in order for the community to
understand how the system or the procedures for land registration as governed/regulated in
Indonesia land law.