UI - Tesis Open :: Kembali

UI - Tesis Open :: Kembali

Pengaruh kebisingan terhadap noise induced hearing loss (NIHL) karyawan di PT. SCTI Jakarta Timur tahun 2008

Siti Fatimah; Ririn Arminsih Wulandari, supervisor; Laila Fitria, supervisor; Dewi Susanna, examiner; Sujono, examiner; Kuat Prabowo, examiner ([Publisher not identified] , 2008)


Kebisingan merupakan salah satu polutan dan hasil samping pemanfaatan teknologi. Menurut Permenkes no. 718 tahun 1987, kebisingan diartikan sebagai bunyi yang tidak dikehendaki dan dapat mengganggu atau membahayakan kesehatan, yang bersumber dari industri dan transportasi/lalu lintas. Ketika tingkat kebisingan di suatu lokasi kerja sudah melampaui ambang batas yang dipersyaratkan berdasarkan SNI 2004, maka penanganan terhadap sumber maupun titik-titik penjalarannya perlu dilakukan.
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk diketahuinya adanya hubungan intensitas kebisingan di tempat kerja dengan NIHL pada karyawan di bagian produksi PT. SCTI. Populasi penelitian ini meliputi karyawan di PT. SCTI, dan sebagai sampel yaitu karyawan yang bekerja di bagian produksi PT. SCTI dengan masa kerja ≥ 3 tahun dan berumur < 40 tahun berjumlah 105 responden, sampel diambil secara Stratified Random Sampling (SRS). Rancangan desain studi yaitu cross sectional. Data diambil dengan 2 (dua) cara yaitu melakukan pengukuran dan wawancara dengan kuesioner. Analisa data pada penelitian ini menggunakan program analisis yang ada di FKM UI.
Hasil penelitian diperoleh, rata-rata intensitas kebisingan di lingkungan kerja adalah 96,0 dB (A) dengan intensitas terendah 78,2 dB (A) dan tertinggi 98,4 dB (A). Sedangkan rata-rata lama pajanan kebisingan per hari responden di Departemen Spinning dan Weaving adalah 10 menit sampai dengan 3,5 jam. Hasil audiogram menunjukkan, responden paling banyak tidak menderita NIHL yaitu 82 orang (781%) sedangkan yang menderita NIHL ada 23 orang (21,9%). Pengaruh kebisingan..., Siti Fatimah, FKM UI, 2008
Berdasarkan analisis hubungan antara intensitas kebisingan di lingkungan kerja dengan NIHL didapatkan nilai p = 0,023, berarti pada alpha 5% terlihat ada hubungan yang signifikan antara intensitas kebisingan di lingkungan kerja dengan NIHL. Analisis multivariat menunjukkan, variabel yang berhubungan bermakna (signifikan) dan mempunyai pengaruh paling besar terhadap NIHL adalah variabel intensitas kebisingan, dengan Odds Ratio (OR) = 1,115. Variabel umur, jenis kelamin, memakai APT, dan merokok merupakan variabel konfonding.
Kesimpulan penelitian ini yaitu intensitas kebisingan merupakan faktor yang paling dominan dan mempunyai pengaruh yang paling besar terhadap NIHL setelah dikontrol variabel umur, jenis kelamin, memakai APT, dan merokok. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat membantu perusahaan untuk mengambil kebijakan terutama bidang kesehatan karyawan, khususnya untuk mengurangi dampak akibat dari bising di lingkungan kerja. Selain itu dapat memberikan informasi yang valid dan reliable pada Instansi program terkait, mengenai prevalensi dari NIHL pada sebagian besar karyawan pabrik tekstil.

Noise is one of pollutant and by product of technology benefit. According by decree of the health minister no. 718 in 1987, noise deciphrable as unwanted sound and can annoyed or endangered of health that source from industry and transportation. When noise levels at workplaces exceeding Threshold Limit Values (TLV) based on SNI 2004 then handling to source need to do.
Objectives of the research to find out there was relation of noise intensity at workplaces with NIHL on worker in PT. SCTI production departement. Population in the research is worker in PT. SCTI and as a sample that is worker in production departement has working life ≥ 3 year and be old < 40 tahun amount to 105 respondent, with Stratified Random Sampling (SRS) and a cross-sectional study. Data handling with two way that is measurement and direct interview using questionnaire. Data analysis in the research using analysis program at FKM UI.
Results: noise intensity average at workplaces is 96,0 dB (A), lowest intensity 78,2 dB (A) and highest 98,4 dB (A), with exposed to time weighted average is 10 minute-3,5 hour. The most respondent who is not suffer NIHL 82 person (78,1%) and suffer NIHL 23 person (21,9%). According to relationship analysis between noise intensity at workplaces with NIHL acquired p value = 0,023, mean that on 5% alpha there was significant relationship between noise intensity at workplaces with NIHL. Multivariate analysis indicating that noise intensity variable which is significant relationship and have biggest effects to NIHL (Odds Ratio (OR) = 1,115). Variable of age, sex, APT, and smoker as confounding variable. Pengaruh kebisingan..., Siti Fatimah, FKM UI, 2008
Conclusion: noise intensity is the most dominant factor and have biggest effects to NIHL after controlable by variable of age, sex, APT, and smoker. The research result expectation can helping company to taking policy on worker health sector, particularly to reduce the effect in consequence of noise at workplaces. Beside that is can giving an information which is valid and reliable to relevant program instance about prevalence from NIHL on the most worker in textile factory.;Noise is one of pollutant and by product of technology benefit. According by decree of the health minister no. 718 in 1987, noise deciphrable as unwanted sound and can annoyed or endangered of health that source from industry and transportation. When noise levels at workplaces exceeding Threshold Limit Values (TLV) based on SNI 2004 then handling to source need to do.
Objectives of the research to find out there was relation of noise intensity at workplaces with NIHL on worker in PT. SCTI production departement. Population in the research is worker in PT. SCTI and as a sample that is worker in production departement has working life ≥ 3 year and be old < 40 tahun amount to 105 respondent, with Stratified Random Sampling (SRS) and a cross-sectional study. Data handling with two way that is measurement and direct interview using questionnaire. Data analysis in the research using analysis program at FKM UI.
Results: noise intensity average at workplaces is 96,0 dB (A), lowest intensity 78,2 dB (A) and highest 98,4 dB (A), with exposed to time weighted average is 10 minute-3,5 hour. The most respondent who is not suffer NIHL 82 person (78,1%) and suffer NIHL 23 person (21,9%). According to relationship analysis between noise intensity at workplaces with NIHL acquired p value = 0,023, mean that on 5% alpha there was significant relationship between noise intensity at workplaces with NIHL. Multivariate analysis indicating that noise intensity variable which is significant relationship and have biggest effects to NIHL (Odds Ratio (OR) = 1,115). Variable of age, sex, APT, and smoker as confounding variable. Pengaruh kebisingan..., Siti Fatimah, FKM UI, 2008
Conclusion: noise intensity is the most dominant factor and have biggest effects to NIHL after controlable by variable of age, sex, APT, and smoker. The research result expectation can helping company to taking policy on worker health sector, particularly to reduce the effect in consequence of noise at workplaces. Beside that is can giving an information which is valid and reliable to relevant program instance about prevalence from NIHL on the most worker in textile factory., Noise is one of pollutant and by product of technology benefit. According by decree of the health minister no. 718 in 1987, noise deciphrable as unwanted sound and can annoyed or endangered of health that source from industry and transportation. When noise levels at workplaces exceeding Threshold Limit Values (TLV) based on SNI 2004 then handling to source need to do.
Objectives of the research to find out there was relation of noise intensity at workplaces with NIHL on worker in PT. SCTI production departement. Population in the research is worker in PT. SCTI and as a sample that is worker in production departement has working life ≥ 3 year and be old < 40 tahun amount to 105 respondent, with Stratified Random Sampling (SRS) and a cross-sectional study. Data handling with two way that is measurement and direct interview using questionnaire. Data analysis in the research using analysis program at FKM UI.
Results: noise intensity average at workplaces is 96,0 dB (A), lowest intensity 78,2 dB (A) and highest 98,4 dB (A), with exposed to time weighted average is 10 minute-3,5 hour. The most respondent who is not suffer NIHL 82 person (78,1%) and suffer NIHL 23 person (21,9%). According to relationship analysis between noise intensity at workplaces with NIHL acquired p value = 0,023, mean that on 5% alpha there was significant relationship between noise intensity at workplaces with NIHL. Multivariate analysis indicating that noise intensity variable which is significant relationship and have biggest effects to NIHL (Odds Ratio (OR) = 1,115). Variable of age, sex, APT, and smoker as confounding variable. Pengaruh kebisingan..., Siti Fatimah, FKM UI, 2008
Conclusion: noise intensity is the most dominant factor and have biggest effects to NIHL after controlable by variable of age, sex, APT, and smoker. The research result expectation can helping company to taking policy on worker health sector, particularly to reduce the effect in consequence of noise at workplaces. Beside that is can giving an information which is valid and reliable to relevant program instance about prevalence from NIHL on the most worker in textile factory.]

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Jenis Koleksi : UI - Tesis Open
No. Panggil : T41315
Entri utama-Nama orang :
Entri tambahan-Nama orang :
Program Studi :
Penerbitan : [Place of publication not identified]: [Publisher not identified], 2008
Bahasa : ind
Sumber Pengatalogan : LibUI ind rda
Tipe Konten : text
Tipe Media : unmediated ; computer
Tipe Carrier : volume ; online resource
Deskripsi Fisik : xiii, 112 pages : illustration ; 29 cm + appendix
Naskah Ringkas :
Lembaga Pemilik : Universitas Indonesia
Lokasi : Perpustakaan UI, Lantai 3
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