Kerang hijau bersifat sebagai filter feeder dalam perairan, sehingga komoditi ini sangat rentan terhadap akumulasi logam berat dalam tubuhnya. Diperlukan suatu usaha untuk meminimalkan kandungan logam berat pada kerang hijau, salah satu yang dapat dilakukan adalah proses depurasi. Pada penelitian ini, proses depurasi dilakukan denga metode kontinu, diskontinu dan ekstraksi asam. Waktu optimum depurasi metode kontinu adalah 1,5 jam, dengan kecepatan sirkulasi 250 L/jam dan didapatkan penurunan kadar logam Pb sebesar 30,048% dan 29,748% untuk logam Cu.
Pada metode diskontinu, hasil optimum dicapai saat suhu 100°C dengan menggunakan media air PAM pada lama perendaman 3 jam dengan penurunan kadar logam Pb sebesar 35,001% dan kadar logam Cu 39,015%. Pada metode ekstraksi, kondisi optimum dicapai menggunakan pelarut asam asetat 11 % dengan penurunan logam Pb dan Cu masing-masing sebesar 88,243% dan 76,298%. Akibat proses depurasi ini, penurunan protein paling besar terjadi dengan perlakuan ekstraksi asam asetat 11%, dengan penurunan kadar protein sebesar 59,051% menggunakan metode Lowry dan 36,655 % menggunakan metode Kjeldahl.
Green mussels are filter feeder in water hence, these commodities are susceptible to accumulate heavy metals in their body. Required an effort to minimize the content of heavy metals in green mussels, one that can be done by depuration process. In this study, the process conducted through continuous method, discontinuous method, and acid extraction methods. The optimum time of continuous method was 1.5 hours, with a circulation rate of 250 L/h and decreased levels of Pb obtained by 30,048% and 29,748% for Cu. In the discontinuous method, the optimum result was achieved when using PAM aqueous media at 3 hours soaking time and 100°C of temperature. This method given decreased levels of Pb and Cu in 35,001% and 39.015%. In the extraction method, the optimum condition was achieved in a solvent extraction using 11 % acetic acid with decreased levels of Pb and Cu was 88,243% and 76,298%. For the determination of protein content, decreasing levels of the protein was obtained by treatment with 11% acetic acid extraction showed a decrease in protein content of 59,051% based on the Lowry method and 36,656% by the Kjeldahl method.