Laju kekambuhan tuberkulosis (TB) di Nusa Tenggara Timur hanya mencapai 71,3% di era Directly Observed Treatment Short-course (DOTS). Pasien pasca TB memiliki risiko kembali terinfeksi TB hingga empat kali lipat di daerah endemik. Sementara itu, kontak serumah pasien juga merupakan kelompok dengan kelompok risiko tinggi sakit TB. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi gambaran klinis dan radiologi serta mencari faktor yang berhubungan pada pasien pasca TB dan kontak serumah.
Penelitian ini meggunakan desain potong lintang pada pasien pasca TB dan kontak serumah pasien. Pasien diambil berdasarkan catatan Puskesmas tahun 2003-2010 di NTT yang telah dinyatakan sembuh atau selesai pengobatan. Sebanyak 63 pasien pasca TB dan 45 kontak serumah mengikuti penelitian ini. Gejala klinis yang dominan terdapat pada pasien pasca TB yakni batuk produktif kronik (69,8%) sementara pada kontak serumah yakni penurunan berat badan (26,7%) dan sesak napas (24,4%). Sebanyak 54% pasien pasca TB dan 35,6% kontak serumah memiliki lesi aktif radiologi. Gejala batuk berdahak kronik berhubungan bermakna dengan adanya lesi aktif (p=0,001). Pasien pasca TB dalam rentang waktu tiga tahun setelah pengobatan TB secara statistik berhubungan bermakna terhadap kejadian lesi aktif radiologi (p=0,012). Pada penelitian ini juga didapatkan 11 dari 35 subjek (31,4%) memiliki sputum BTA positif, dimana sembilan diantaranya merupakan pasien pasca TB.
Cure rate TB in East Nusa Tenggara was around 71.3% in the era of DOTS. Post tuberculosis patients had four times increased risk of TB reinfection, especially in high endemic area. Meanwhile, household contacts were prone to TB disease as they had high exposure to TB. This study aimed to evaluate the clinical symptoms and radiologic findings and factors associated with them among post TB patients and household contacts.
This was cross sectional study involving post TB patients and household contacts. Patients were recruited based on Primary Heath Center (Puskesmas) registry from 2003-2010 in three districts in East Nusa Tenggara. Sixty-three patients and 45 household contacts were recruited in this study. The most dominant clinical symptom among post TB patients was chronic productive cough (69.8%) whereas among household contacts were weight loss (26.7%) and dyspnea (24.4%). Fifty-four persen post TB patients and 35.6% household contacts had active lesions based on radiological reading. Chronic productive cough was associated with active lesion (p=0.001). Post TB patients in three years period after completion of TB therapy was associated with active lesion (p=0.012). In this study, we examined sputum smear with 11 from 35 subjects (31.4%) had positive sputum smear, with nine of them were post TB patients.