[Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan antara hardiness dan pola
attachment pada mahasiswa yang sedang mengerjakan skripsi. Penelitian
dilakukan pada 106 partisipan yang memiliki karakteristik mahasiswa yang
sedang mengerjakan skripsi. Hardiness diukur dengan alat ukur Dispositional
Resilience Scale-15R yang disusun oleh Bartone (1995) dan telah diadaptasi oleh
Lukman (2008). Pola attachment diukur dengan alat ukur Pola Attachment yang
disusun oleh Diantika (2004) dan diadaptasi oleh Moeljosoedjono (2008). Hasil
utama yang didapat dari penelitian ini adalah terdapat hubungan positif antara
hardiness dan pola secure attachment pada mahasiswa yang sedang mengerjakan
skripsi serta terdapat hubungan negatif antara hardiness dan pola insecure
attachment pada mahasiswa yang sedang mengerjakan skripsi.;This research is conducted to see the relationship between hardiness and
attachment style in students who are currently working on their thesis to get
bachelor degree. There are 106 participants involved in this research, they all have
the characteristic as students who are currently working on a thesis to get bachelor
degree. Hardiness was measured by Dispositional Resilience Scale-15R
developed by Bartone (1989) that has been adapted by Lukman (2008).
Attachment style is measured by an attachment style measurement developed by
Diantika (2004) and has been adapted by Moeljosoedjono (2008). The main result
of this research found that there is a positive correlation between hardiness and
secure attachment and there is a negative correlation between hardiness and
insecure attachment in students who are currently working on thesis to get
bachelor degree., This research is conducted to see the relationship between hardiness and
attachment style in students who are currently working on their thesis to get
bachelor degree. There are 106 participants involved in this research, they all have
the characteristic as students who are currently working on a thesis to get bachelor
degree. Hardiness was measured by Dispositional Resilience Scale-15R
developed by Bartone (1989) that has been adapted by Lukman (2008).
Attachment style is measured by an attachment style measurement developed by
Diantika (2004) and has been adapted by Moeljosoedjono (2008). The main result
of this research found that there is a positive correlation between hardiness and
secure attachment and there is a negative correlation between hardiness and
insecure attachment in students who are currently working on thesis to get
bachelor degree.]