[Penelitian ini melihat bagaimana gambaran mengenai budaya melayu dalam novel
Dwilogi Padang Bulan karya Andrea Hirata dengan menggunakan konsepsikonsepsi
dari Unsur Kebudayaan dan Metode Analisi Isi Kualitatif. Hasil
penelitian menunjukkan bahwa di dalam novel masyarakat melayu digambarkan
sebagai masyarakat yang reijius tetapi masih menganut faham dinamisme,
menjunjung tinggi sopan santun, budaya lisan lebih dominan dibandingkan
budaya tulisan, pekerja keras, dan gigih dalam bekerja. Lebih jauh, masyarakat
melayu digambarkan sebagai masyarakat yang memiliki organisasi sosial yang
mapan, tidak begitu bersimpati dengan kinerja pemerintah, mengganggap
pendidikan adalah sesuatu hal yang penting, patriarkis, dan menggunakan sastra
yakni puisi dan pantun sebagai media untuk menyampaikan pesan dan pandangan
hidup.;This Study looked at how the idea of the Malay culture in Andrea Hirata?s Work
Dwilogi Padang Bulan by using the conceptions of the Elements of Culture and
Qualitative Content Analysis Methods. The results show that the Malay
community in the novel described as a religious society but still adhered to
understand dynamism, upholds manners, oral culture more dominant than writing,
hardworking and persistent in their work. Furthermore, the Malay community
depicted as community who have established social organization, not sympathetic
to the performance of the government, considers education is important,
patriarchal, use the literary and poems as a medium for conveying messages and
views., This Study looked at how the idea of the Malay culture in Andrea Hirata?s Work
Dwilogi Padang Bulan by using the conceptions of the Elements of Culture and
Qualitative Content Analysis Methods. The results show that the Malay
community in the novel described as a religious society but still adhered to
understand dynamism, upholds manners, oral culture more dominant than writing,
hardworking and persistent in their work. Furthermore, the Malay community
depicted as community who have established social organization, not sympathetic
to the performance of the government, considers education is important,
patriarchal, use the literary and poems as a medium for conveying messages and