[Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan antara outness dan subjective
well-being pada laki-laki homoseksual dewasa muda di wilayah
JABODETABEK. Penelitian ini diikuti oleh responden yang berjumlah 100 orang
yang terdiri dari laki-laki homoseksual dewasa muda yang berdomisili di wilayah
Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang dan Bekasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan
pendekatan kuantitatif yaitu dengan meminta kesediaan responden untuk malegisi
kuesioner outness dan subjective well-being. Variabel dalam penelitian diukur
dengan menggunakan alat ukur Outness Inventory yang dikembangkan oleh Mohr
& Fassinger (2000) dan The Satisfaction With Life Scale karya Diener et al.
(1985). Melalui penelitian ini diperoleh hasil bahwa terdapat korelasi positif yang
signifikan antara kedua variabel yaitu sebesar r = 0.223, yang artinya semakin
tinggi skor outness laki-laki homoseksual dewasa muda maka semakin tinggi pula
subjective well-being mereka.;This research was conducted to examine the correlation between outness and
subjective well-being among homosexual young adult male in JABODETABEK.
The number of participants in this study were 100 homosexual young adult male,
aged 20-40, who reside in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi. This
research was carried out quantitatively using a questionnaire to assess the outness
and subjective well-being of the participants. The variables in this research were
measured using the Outness Inventory by Mohr & Fassinger (2000) and The
Satisfaction With Life Scale by Diener et al. (1985). Analysis of the results
proved that there is a significant positive correlation between the two variables
with a Pearson?s coefficient of r = 0.540, which means that the higher the outness,
the higher the subjective well-being of the homosexual young adult male., This research was conducted to examine the correlation between outness and
subjective well-being among homosexual young adult male in JABODETABEK.
The number of participants in this study were 100 homosexual young adult male,
aged 20-40, who reside in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi. This
research was carried out quantitatively using a questionnaire to assess the outness
and subjective well-being of the participants. The variables in this research were
measured using the Outness Inventory by Mohr & Fassinger (2000) and The
Satisfaction With Life Scale by Diener et al. (1985). Analysis of the results
proved that there is a significant positive correlation between the two variables
with a Pearson?s coefficient of r = 0.540, which means that the higher the outness,
the higher the subjective well-being of the homosexual young adult male.]